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Antique's Depot Writing Competition | Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Antique’s Depot Writing Competition

The Antiques Depot is hosting its fourth annual writing competition, encouraging young people and teens to explore the world of rare and special antique objects, and learn about our culture and history, while encouraging their creative imagination. The competition involves writing a fictional piece about an object they find in […]

Nantucket Flower Show | Nantucket Garden Club
Nantucket Events, Nantucket Style

Bouquets of Fun

~ by Mary Jo Beck, The Nantucket Garden Club ~ Got green…a green thumb, that is? Are you just learning, interested in growing things, or starting and growing your own flower or vegetable garden? Growing tips, ideas, and inspiration await you at the 2015 Green Thumb Flower Show, which takes […]

Strawberry Shortcake
Nantucket Essays

In the Age of Strawberries

by Robert P. Barsanti We celebrated the beginning of summer with picking two quarts of strawberries. Two quarts of strawberries, bought at the market, have a certain capitalistic balance. Someone measured how many strawberries could go into the box so that you could feel like you were getting a good […]

green crabs
Island Science

Crab Wars

~ by Marc Hensel and Dr. Sarah D. Oktay ~ Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station. There is a habitat war going on between many different colored armored soldiers who hide in the muck like WWII combatants and fight to the death over territory and food. Much of the […]

The Festival’s Teen View Jury Award, selected by a group of Nantucket junior high school students, went to BIRTHDAY, written & directed by Chris King.
Featured Articles

Nantucket Film Festival Announces Winners

The 20th Anniversary Nantucket Film Festival (NFF) today announced the winners of the prestigious Showtime Tony Cox Screenplay Competition, which recognizes the best unproduced screenplays and television pilots by emerging writers. Kristen Dávila’s COUNTERINTELLIGENCE received the top prize as the winner of the Feature Screenplay Competition. The Television Pilot nods […]