~ by Abigail Terres ~ The small village of Siasconset, about eight miles from downtown Nantucket along the southeastern shore of our island, has long been a haven for the arts. The ‘Sconset Actors Colony dates back to the late 1800s, when there was no air conditioning on Broadway. When […]
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Arno’s Breakfast & Seafood, 56 Years of Fine Food on Main
We wandered into Arno’s one morning last week, thinking we’d grab a quick breakfast before going back to work, and discovered why Main Street was so quiet: everyone was in this restaurant! We followed the host into a room filled with people chatting happily in front of plates piled with […]
Better Angels
~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ A friend of mine was pawing through the bike rack at Jetties Beach. Her son’s bike (a black and silver Trek) had been taken from the rack a few evenings previous and she was searching the racks in the hopes that it had been […]
Caw Me, Crows on Nantucket
~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ I have always been fascinating by crows, we have several very vocal ones here at the field station that will fly off in a huff when you disturb them while walking the trails. Every day I […]
Tragedy in the Fog, The Andrea Doria
~ by Amy Jenness, author of On This Day in Nantucket History, available at Mitchell’s Book Corner ~ The Italian luxury liner Andrea Doria collided with the MS Stockholm in heavy fog off the coast of Nantucket on July 25, 1956 at 11:10 pm. Bound for New York City, the […]
Nationally Recognized Photographer Exhibits in Sconset Cafe on Nantucket
For the ninth year in a row Ben Larrabee, a nationally recognized photographer with work in the permanent collections of museums, including the MOMA in New York and The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, is exhibiting a show of his family portraits at the ‘Sconset Café on Nantucket. […]
Nantucket Carving & Folk Art – Eye on Style
~ by Sarah Morneau ~ My husband always says, “A house by the sea isn’t a home until it has a name,” but I never thought twice about the quarterboard signs that appear on every other island house until I visited Nantucket Carving and Folk Art. When you watch an […]
Theatre Review: Gin Game Deals a Winning Hand
• by Rebecca Nimerfroh • More than just a metaphor on how we play the hand of cards we are dealt in the game of life, “The Gin Game,” D.L. Coburn’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play produced by the White Heron Theatre Company paints a picture of two dynamic characters in the […]
Joking Geniuses Return for Nantucket Comedy Festival
• by Abigail Terres • We are all familiar with classic “knock-knock” jokes, however at this year’s Nantucket Comedy Festival from July 15-18, there is much more to expect than these simple gags. The Nantucket Comedy Festival, founded eight years ago, is an annual festival that hosts nationally recognized comedians […]