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Theatre Workshop of Nantucket | Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

An Evening of Contagious Fun

Love, marriage and friendship abound as the fastidious Florence and the slovenly Olive decide to share an apartment together after their lives have been turned upside down in Theatre Workshop of Nantucket’s production of The Odd Couple. This gender swapped remix of Neil Simon’s Tony Award winning classic comedy is […]

The Daggers at Cisco Brewery | Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

The Daggers at Cisco Brewery

The Daggers, Cape Cod’s aural architects of the indefatigable dance party, come to Nantucket on June 8th to get you up on your feet at Cisco Brewery. With a combination of styles incorporating the best of R&B, rock, funk and punk, The Daggers can play as exquisitely as the light […]