Author: yi_302qo9y0

Featured Articles

NCH Establishes New Animal-Assisted Therapy Program

Doctors and nurses won’t be the only ones seeing patients at Nantucket Cottage Hospital in 2014.  Dogs have joined the ranks of the hospital’s caregivers with the founding of a new animal-assisted therapy program at NCH. Divot, an eight-year-old German shepherd, along with Bing, a whippet, and Tucker, a cockapoo, […]

Nantucket Events

Night of Holiday Magic December 14

The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) is pleased to announce A Night of Holiday Magic, an all-ages, community holiday celebration sponsored by ReMain Nantucket, on Saturday, December 14, 2013, at the Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street from 5 – 8 P.M. For the fourth year in a row, A Night of […]

Nantucket Events

A Cheerful Carol for Christmas

• by Sarah Teach • Digging up and casting away the root of all evil, Theatre Workshop of Nantucket (TWN) presents a jolly holiday musical production of “A Christmas Carol.” Charles Dickens’s familiar story is approached by adaptation writers Mike Ockrent and Lynn Ahrens with a lighter foot than the […]

Island Cooking

Final Feast of the Year

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • Some Chefs get depressed in the winter due to lack of garden fresh veggies and orchard fresh fruit.  But for me it is like a time when the slate is wiped clean.  The seafood is still plentiful, as well as fresh cranberries, root vegetables […]

Nantucket Events

Nantucket Christmas Stroll Turns 40

The instigators of the original Nantucket Christmas Stroll were merely trying to prevent islanders from escaping to Cape Cod, 30 miles across the Sound, to do their holiday shopping. Rewind to 1973, a year when local merchants, in an effort to boost the island’s holiday purse, kept shops open late […]

Mentoring Youth Nantucket
Featured Articles

Giving Time, Getting Love

• by Christine E. Smith • “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around”    — Leo Buscaglia I signed up for […]