On Saturday, October 1, Egan Maritime Institute will host their annual Maritime Festival. All sorts of maritime-related activities will take place from 10 am to 4 pm at Children’s Beach and nearby Brant Point. Watch quarterboards being carved, scrimshanders demonstrating their art, get your face painted, enjoy local music, and […]
Nantucket Events
“Our Nantucket” Features Mexico
Mexican songs, dancing, and foods will be featured in the fourth installment of Our Nantucket, a community diversity series hosted by the Nantucket Historical Association in the Whaling Museum, this Sunday, September 18, from 4 to 6 pm. “Throughout its history, and into the present day, Nantucket has been home […]
Hilarious Peek into the Oval Office-Theatre Review
by Rebecca Nimerfroh Think Mad Men’s Donald Draper and Roger Sterling, hashing it out with loosened ties and wrinkled suits, bouncing ideas off each other in rapid-fire succession. But instead of advertising, their banter is rip-roaringly funny, and pertaining to a whole different ballgame, albeit not too different: American politics. […]
All Artists Welcome at “Open Exhibition”
The majority of Artist Association of Nantucket exhibitions feature work solely by AAN artist members, but every year they invite artists from across the island community to enter work in their annual “10 x 10 Open Exhibition.” Now in its twelfth year, the “10 x 10 Open” (formally called Collaboration) […]
Walking Through Four Centuries
The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA), in collaboration with the Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) and the Nantucket Preservation Trust (NPT), is pleased to announce the “Four Centuries Domestic Walking Tour” tour on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 10 A.M. Join expert preservationists and conservators for an exploratory two-hour walking tour examining […]
Just Four Days Left
There are just four days left to send in your entry to the 2016 Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket Photo Contest. Nearing its 30th year, this popular contest is a fun way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old […]
Amy Stiller in “Just Trust”
Theatre Workshop of Nantucket has a new addition to it’s 60th Anniversary season: Amy Stiller in Just Trust one night only, Sunday, September 11 at 7 pm in Bennett Hall, 62 Centre Street. This one-woman show is a semiautobiographical journey of a spiritually struggling young woman, striving to emotionally survive […]
Just 12 Days Left for our Photo Contest
There are just twelve days left to send in your entry to the Annual Yesterday’s Island/Today’s Nantucket Photo Contest. Nearing its 30th year, this popular contest is a fun way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time period—we love the old photos—are […]
Swim to Defeat a Common Enemy
~ by Carl Oscar Olson ~ This Saturday, August 27, Swim Across America comes back to Nantucket for the fifth straight year. Starting at 8 am on Jetties Beach, more than three hundred swimmers and volunteers will splash into the Nantucket Sound to raise money to fight a disease affecting […]