Tag: photo contest

Insider Tips

Enter Stroll & Winter Photos

Nantucket Island is as beautiful during the Quiet Season as it is during the heyday of summer. Share your autumn, holiday, and winter photos by entering our 2024 Nantucket Photo Contest. To participate, email your high resolution photos of Nantucket that depict our island and island life to ackphotocontest@gmail.com. Enter […]

Nantucket Events

Win Fame, Glory, & Cash

For more than a quarter century, we have encouraged our readers to share their views of Nantucket Island by entering our annual Nantucket Photo Contest. Every year we get hundreds of fun photos that make us smile as they help us remember fun days in the sun, kids jumping in […]

Featured Articles

The Winners Are…

For about 30 years we have been inviting island residents and visitors to enter our annual Nantucket Photo Contest. Our readers enthusiastically participate, mailing—and now emailing—to us their favorite views of Nantucket Island at all times of the year. More than 650 photos were entered in our 2022 contest, all […]

2021 Photo Contest, Lois Hutchinson, Nantucket, MA
Featured Articles, Nantucket Arts

The Winners Are…

We should have guessed that we’d receive hundreds of entries to our 2021 Nantucket Photo Contest: after all, 2021 was a banner year for number of visitors! There was a record number of sunset and sunrise photos entered. It’s interesting (or maybe it isn’t) that we received a surprising number […]

Photo Contest | Nantucket, MA
Featured Articles, Nantucket Arts

Share the Love

When you spend a summer on Nantucket Island, it can be hard to choose just one favorite—good thing you don’t have to choose just one! You can enter our Annual Nantucket Photo Contest as many times as you desire! Send us a photo of your favorite day at the beach, […]

Photo Contest 2020 | Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Arts

The Winners Are…

We’ve been holding our Nantucket Photo Contest for more than a quarter century, but never have we had a year like 2020! With fewer visitors, stay-at-home guidance, no major events, and people working longer hours with smaller staffs, we weren’t sure what number and type of photo submissions to expect. […]

First Place, YI Photo Contest | Nantucket, MA
Nantucket Events

And the Winners Are…

When we started our annual Nantucket Photo Contest more than 25 years ago, all the entries arrived via the US Postal Service except for two or three dozen hand-delivered by excited participants. This year, after two decades of widespread Internet access, only one participant mailed in prints to be entered […]