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Nantucket Arts

Chaos & Crime at Christmas Stroll

When describing Nantucket’s annual Christmas Stroll celebration, most people think of Main Street lined with Christmas trees, Santa Claus arriving by Coast Guard cutter, people in matching costumes wearing elaborate holiday headgear, and the iconic Christmas tree in Killen’s dory bobbing peacefully in Nantucket Harbor.

Exploring Nantucket, Insider Tips

Winter Treasure Hunt

We’ve had a marvelous fall with warmer weather than ever before. This has led to many more outdoor adventures, longer hikes, and even some late fall ocean swims.

However, as we settle in towards real winter on Nantucket, the winds will whip up and the bitter cold will eventually set in. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay indoors. You might just need an excuse to get outside. In the dead of winter, as the sun sets earlier, I know that I sometimes need an excuse to walk a little further or to explore a new spot. One answer to this problem for me, especially when my son was young, was to go on a treasure hunt. Welcome to the wonderful world of geocaching!

Exploring Nantucket, Insider Tips

Staff Picks for Holiday Gifts

To help with your holiday shopping (don’t we all have a few on our list who are difficult to shop for?), our staff has some suggestions from our advertisers. Here’s what we would choose from each business, though they all have much more in their stores and on their websites. […]

Nantucket Downyflake
Featured Restaurants

Go Where the Locals Love To Go

Downtown Nantucket, there’s an upscale restaurant on every block, most open only for dinner. Fine dining is a fun treat, but there’s no better way to start your day than with a delicious, well-cooked meal and friendly, welcoming service to fill your belly and warm your soul.

Featured Articles

The Winners Are…

For about 30 years we have been inviting island residents and visitors to enter our annual Nantucket Photo Contest. Our readers enthusiastically participate, mailing—and now emailing—to us their favorite views of Nantucket Island at all times of the year. More than 650 photos were entered in our 2022 contest, all […]

Celebrating History
Nantucket History & People

Celebrating History

On Saturday, October 22 from 11 am to 4 pm, the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) will host a fun-filled family program celebrating the 125th anniversary since the organization purchased the Old Mill in 1897. The event will be held at the Old Mill at 50 Prospect Street and is free […]

Nantucket Essays

Wedding Weekends

At eight in the morning, the bride was running down Main Street along with her photographer, her maid of honor, her intended and two other guys in tuxedos. She was carrying her shoes in one hand, the hem of her dress in the other. She was flying on the wind of social media but the photographer wasn’t keeping up. You have got to get the light when it’s just right.

Deer on Nantucket
Island Science

True Story of How Deer Got to Nantucket

If you ask anyone around the town of Nantucket how the deer came to the island, you may have some variety of answers, but generally “they swam” and “they were brought here” will be the primary responses. There is a local legend or old wives’ tale that states that our current population of more than 2,000 animals are descended from just three deer.

Wet paint
Nantucket Arts

Wet Paint Weekend October 7-9

The Artists Association of Nantucket will host their annual Wet Paint Weekend this autumn on October 7, 8, and 9, with free events each day and a ticketed celebratory dinner to end the event on Sunday, October 9 in the Nantucket Yacht Club. For 2022, this AAN event will honor […]