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Nantucket Style

Summer Shades

The ultimate, year-round accessory that will never go out of style is a great pair of sunglasses. They are functional yet act as a statement piece, bringing together an outfit.  Sunglasses can make you look chic and stylish, even if you are trying to  hide the bags under your eyes […]

Nantucket History & People

Surfside’s Ocean View

• by Frances Ruley Karttunen • Surfside is a product of Nantucket’s search for a new way to make money in the latter half of the 1800s. After the Great Fire of 1846, Nantucket experienced a swift decline from its former prosperity.  Whales were growing ever scarcer and voyages to […]

Nantucket Essays

Couch Surfing

• by Robert P. Barsanti • In late June, Nantucket sets us apart.  For the rest of the country, and the state, the first burns of summer arise.  The air builds a curtain of water, the heat pins everyone and everything down, and the clouds ascend into towers of thunder.  […]

Fourth of July
Nantucket Events

How to Have Fun on the Fourth

Nantucket’s famous July 4th festivities are a full day of old-fashioned fun.  If this is your first time enjoying our island celebration, it helps to keep a few things in mind: Leave your car at home.  With Main Street and some side streets closed to traffic, parking will be difficult.  […]

For Love of the Island
Nantucket Events

The Conservation Foundation’s Golden Jubilee

What’s 50 years old and is the Grey Lady’s knight in shining armor? The Nantucket Conservation Foundation, a nonprofit that owns and maintains nearly one third of the island! Since 1963, the dedicated members of the Foundation have worked tirelessly to conserve and maintain Nantucket’s natural habitats; and this year […]

Island Science

Orcas: Too Big to Hold

• by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station • I just got back from the Nantucket Film Festival’s (NFF) showing of “Blackfish”, an excellent and provocative documentary describing in excruciating detail the many issues of keeping Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in captivity. The majority of […]

Nantucket Film Festival
Nantucket Events

NFF Turns 18

In 1996, brother and sister team Jonathan and Jill Burkhart founded the Nantucket Film Festival to promote the awareness and appreciation of screenwriting.  This week through June 30, screenwriters, actors, producers, agents, and fans will gather on Nantucket for the 18th year of NFF. Mystelle Brabbée, who has been the […]

Plein Air Festival
Nantucket Events

Plein Air Painting Festival June 29-30

Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) is hosting the second annual Plein Air Nantucket, open to all outdoor painters on Saturday and Sunday, June 29 and 30. The two-day painting festival will conclude with an exhibition of the art and the presentation of the Frank Swift Chase Awards at 6 pm […]