Nantucket History & People

Nantucket Looms
Nantucket Events, Nantucket History & People

Nantucket Cottage Style

In the 1960s, Nantucket Island experienced a influx of artists and artisans who rejuvenated the art colony born on here fifty years earlier. Collectors Andrew Oates and Bill Euler were at the heart of this transformative period. In honor of these two men and their influence on Nantucket, the Nantucket […]

Nantucket History & People

Surfside’s Ocean View

• by Frances Ruley Karttunen • Surfside is a product of Nantucket’s search for a new way to make money in the latter half of the 1800s. After the Great Fire of 1846, Nantucket experienced a swift decline from its former prosperity.  Whales were growing ever scarcer and voyages to […]