Author: yi_302qo9y0

Baritone Robert Honeysucker to appear on Nantucket
Nantucket Arts

Nantucket Arts Council Announces Spring Concert Schedule

Continuing a tradition launched 40 years ago, this month Nantucket Arts Council brings notable musical performances to Nantucket during the island’s quieter months, when live professional entertainment might otherwise be scarce. This year’s program of three concerts begins Sunday afternoon, March 13 at 4 pm with baritone Robert Honeysucker, who […]

Featured Articles

Island Roost

E. Vernon Laux: Nantucket’s Bird Man •  by Sarah Teach  • Editors Note: We were saddened today to hear of the passing of Vern Laux this morning in Nantucket Cottage Hospital.  To honor his contributions to life on the island, we are reprinting an interview from 2012.  Fly high, Vern! […]

First baby born on Nantucket in 2016
Featured Articles

Nantucket New Year’s Baby

Nantucket Cottage Hospital welcomed the first island baby of 2016 early on the morning of January 2. Maria Raquel Pineda, a healthy baby girl, was born at 4:51 a.m. the morning of January 2, weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long. She is the daughter of Noé […]

Festival of Trees | Nantucket Whaling Museum
Nantucket Events

Night of Holiday Magic

For the sixth year in a row, A Night of Holiday Magic will capture the essence of the season for Nantucket families and friends among the Festival of Trees in the Whaling Museum, and offer an array of family-fun activities for all to enjoy. Held this year on Saturday, December […]