Author: yi_302qo9y0

Island Cooking, Nantucket Style

Cider Revolution

~ by Jenny Benzie, Advanced Sommelier + Certified Wine Educator, Proprietress of Epernay Wine & Spirits ~ The leaves are starting to fall, the kids are back in school, and it’s time to enjoy the next couple of weeks on Nantucket that will lead us into an Indian Summer. This […]

San Francisca in the Gold Rush Era
Nantucket History & People

Gold Fever

by Amy Jenness, author of On This Day in Nantucket History, available at Mitchell’s Book Corner Published by the island newspaper Mirror on September 3, 1849, Jethro C. Brock’s list of Nantucket people who went to California was printed as a broadside called A Correct List of Persons Belonging to […]

Yesterday's Island Photo Contest
Nantucket Events

Share Your Photos, Win a Prize

September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2015 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than 20 years, this popular contest has been a terrific way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old photos) are accepted, as […]

Theatre Workshop of Nantucket
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Secrets Laid Bare

In the riveting drama, Secrets Laid Bare, by award-winning playwright Jon Robin Baitz, Brooke Wyeth returns home to Palm Springs after a six-year absence to celebrate Christmas with her parents, her brother, and her aunt. Announcing that she is about to publish a memoir dredging up a pivotal and tragic […]

Chocolate Oysters | Nantucket Chocolate Company
Insider Tips, Island Cooking, Nantucket Style

Nantucket Chocolate Oysters

We’ve discovered a new treat for island celebrations that pairs deliciously with champagne: chocolate oysters handmade by Nantucket Chocolatiers at the aptly named Sweet Inspirations. John and Kathy West and their team love to design unique confections and have become known for recreating island icons and Nantucket favorites in fine […]

Island Cooking

Fruit of the Vine – Tomatoes

by Wendy McConnell Tomatoes are one of the most popular plants among home gardeners. By now, if you’ve successfully kept the island deer and the hornworms away, you should be harvesting your crop. Tomato plants like a hot, sunny, humid climate; these past few weeks on Nantucket have been perfect. […]