Author: yi_302qo9y0

Nantucket Events

Photographing in the Deep

Ben Phillips is returning to the Nantucket Historical Association for a lecture titled “Nantucket’s Offshore Wonders,” this Sunday, August 14 at 6 pm in the Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street. Ben Phillips, a Nantucket native, is an underwater photographer, travel-diving specialist, and diving instructor. During the past six years, he […]

Boston Pops on Nantucket | Nantucket MA
Nantucket Events

Kenny Loggins Joins Boston Pops for Concert

Twenty years ago a small group of volunteers came together to try to do something big for Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Led by an ardent hospital supporter, the late Kathryn Clauss, they imagined what seemed impossible: what if we could get the world-famous Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra to come to Nantucket? […]

Nantucket Essay
Nantucket Essays

We’ll Keep Digging

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ It’s a good summer to give up on watching TV. Most of the good shows have called it a season, and every sport, save baseball, has finally sent their players home to their families and their countries. Baseball rolls on, of course, but baseball […]

Island Science

What Is This? EEK! Spiders!

~ by Katherine Brooks, Maria Mitchell Association ~ Fangs. The photo to the right is a close up of a tarantula – or a purseweb spider – hiding out in its tubular home, and giving the camera a toothy grin. Nantucket is home to a few unusual spiders, including tarantulas, […]

Nautical Cats Head
Nantucket History & People

Antique Snippets – Cat’s Heads

Commonly asked questions and misunderstandings about antiques… and the odd or end fascinating bit! Carved wooden cat’s heads are a rather obscure bit of nautical lore. The “cats head” is a wooden beam angling out from either side of a ship’s bow, used to weigh and let go the anchors […]