Tag: recipes

Island Cooking, Nantucket Entertaining

Family Cookout Recipes Old & New

• by Leah Mojer, Cheese & Wine Manager, Bartlett’s Farm • Summertime on Nantucket has many delights. For me, family cookouts are the highlight. I am beyond lucky to have family living on-island, their roots going back many, many generations. Thirteen I believe! In addition to throwing the “Nantucket Native” […]

Picnic on Nantucket
Island Cooking

Feast for the Fourth

• by Leah Mojer • The 4th of July on Nantucket is about as good as it gets anywhere on earth. A beach day, yes, but anything but the usual, with picnics packed to the gills with strawberry shortcake, hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cold beer, and lemonade. The senses are bombarded […]

Island Cooking

Eat With Your Eyes!

• by Leah Mojer • Since the invention of film making, food and film have been a natural pairing. Food has such a deeply entrenched emotional connection, it only seems right to document the intimate relationship on film. From the excrutiating love story in Like water for Chocolate or the […]

Island Cooking

Final Feast of the Year

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • Some Chefs get depressed in the winter due to lack of garden fresh veggies and orchard fresh fruit.  But for me it is like a time when the slate is wiped clean.  The seafood is still plentiful, as well as fresh cranberries, root vegetables […]

Island Cooking

Cranberries and Scallops

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • Autumn is my favorite time of year, especially on Nantucket.  I cannot think of anything I dislike about this time of year, except maybe the fact that winter is on the way.  The leaves changing color and the smell of nature on the crisp […]