Tag: recipes

Island Cooking

Patriotic Food

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • A few days ago I was in Boston.  Before I got anywhere near Boylston Street, I began to feel a little overwhelmed by emotions.   I began to think about all the everyday heroes that I know and look up to.  The first to come […]

Island Cooking

Local Oysters

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • Recently I went on an excursion to find some fish for a dinner party where I would be cooking.  It was going to be an interesting group, and I wanted it to be special.  Instantly I thought of oysters, since to me they convey […]

Island Cooking

Basic & Delicious

• by Jenn Farmer • Sometimes the simple things end up being more elegant than ever anticipated.  I was at a loss for dinner ideas one night recently, and people were already invited over.  I had a lot to work with, but sometimes inspiration is lacking.  At first I contemplated […]

Island Cooking

Greatest Hits & Misses

• by Jenn Farmer • No matter how great or fastidious a chef is, they have had some recipes that were not hits.  Usually the inspiration happens over a couple of pints or after having some ethereal food experience.  No matter how they arrive there, they either come up with […]

Island Cooking

An Adventurous Week for Foodies

• by Jenn Farmer  • Spring Restaurant Week on Nantucket starts Monday June 3, and it’s a great opportunity to journey out and seek new foods, and new venues.  So plan a date night, get the dog a sitter, call some friends, take out the family, or just relax and […]

Island Cooking

Eat Local, Think Exotic

• by Jenn Farmer • I am a big supporter of eating locally produced foods when possible, but I enjoy exotic dishes prepared with exotic ingredients.  I also understand that locally grown food has better flavor, texture, and potentially more vitamins, and I want to support our local farms and […]

Island Cooking

The Wild Side of Baking

by Chef Jenn Farmer The Autumn harvest seems to be in full swing, and one of my favorite things to gather are grapes, in particular, wild grapes. They smell divine and, though very tart, have a depth of flavor that is incomparable. My mother recently asked me for some grape […]

Island Cooking

Miracle of Nature

by Chef Jenn Farmer Honey is what I would consider a sort of miraculous. Yes it is sweet and tastes delicious, but there is so much more to it. Honey never spoils, it has been found in Egyptian tombs, still edible. Honey possesses antibacterial properties and has been used in […]