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Last Week of August
Nantucket Essays

Last Week of August

I have a kayak.

The kayak is a beautiful boat; outfitted with pedals and a rudder, an ocean keel, and two watertight compartments. Once in the ocean, it will glide and keep its line through waves and water.

I haven’t used it in years.

Bioluminescence | Nantucket Field Station | MA
Island Science

The Incredible Glow of August Nights

August is often described as the “Dog Days of Summer” for multiple reasons. Especially this summer with its endless string of hot days (especially hot for the island) coupled with a drought and record numbers of people. Looking for the positives, there are a lot of amazing things about the second half of August as well. The water is at its peak warmth for swimming, crowds begin to thin, peak wildflower season is starting, and the beach plums are close to ripe.

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Evening with an Icon of Justice

Witness one of America’s greatest stories told from the White Heron Theatre stage by superb storyteller Earl Baker, Jr. Baker transforms into an icon of justice as he tells the story of how Thurgood Marshall, a boy from the backstreets of Baltimore, son of a railroad porter and a teacher, […]

Sword Given to NHA
Nantucket History & People

Sword Given to NHA

The Nantucket Historical Association is pleased to announce it will receive the commissioning sword of islander and U.S. Navy Commander John Franklin Walling, who was lost at sea in 1945 while commanding the submarine USS Snook during World War II. The NHA is collecting the sword in honor of Walling’s […]

Opera House Cup
Nantucket Events

Favorite Spectacle Marks the End of Summer

This Sunday, August 21, the eagerly anticipated Rainbow Parade will sail around Brant Point, preceeding Nantucket’s 50th Annual Opera House Cup Regatta. It’s typical for twenty or more of these little boats to participate in the parade. Some years ago, the parade date fell on a stormy day, complete with […]

Tim Talk Books
Nantucket Events

A Talk with Tim Talks Books

I recently talked with Tim of Tim Talks Books about two more author talks that he is hosting this week. These authors have written “stories that are very powerful for very different reasons,” he explained. And he’s excited to share with audiences the conversations they’ll have in the Great Hall of the Atheneum.

Nantucket Essays

The Show Is Coming to a Close

The two girls sat at the bench, waiting for the NRTA. One held her chin on her fist, the other leaned back and took in the passing traffic. They had been tanned, bleached a bit, and had absorbed as much of the island as they could. They wore jeans, strappy little sandals, and carried three suitcases each. Their summer was ending.

Featured Articles

Nantucket Island’s Bountiful Biodiversity

Nantucket is known for many things, and, for many, the island’s natural beauty rises is top of the list. This year, the Nantucket Land Council and the Linda Loring Nature Foundation again teamed up for the July BioBlitz—a month long treasure hunt cataloging all living things on Nantucket.