With wedding season upon us, it’s the perfect time to see what’s happening on the Real Nantucket Weddings page of the newly redesigned website devoted to island weddings: NantucketWeddings.com. Nantucket Island is a beautiful place to hold your wedding, but there are some extra hurdles to jump and careful planning […]
Recent Posts
Share Your Nantucket Photos, Win a Prize
September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than 20 years, this popular contest has been a terrific way for you to share your Nantucket photos. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old photos) are accepted, as long as […]
Rust Never Sleeps – Algae Bloom
• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • Well, I wish I was reviewing a 1979 Neil Young and Crazy Horse album (although that would be a bit weird and not all that timely), but in fact I am talking about the rust tide which […]
Nantucket Preservation Trust Announces Scholarship Recipient
The Nantucket Preservation Trust (NPT) has awarded their first full-time scholarship totaling $47,736 to Nantucket resident Chris O’Reilly who will attend the North Bennet Street School’s two-year preservation carpentry program. The Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship will allow O’Reilly to begin his education at the Boston institution this September. […]
Practical & Exquisite: Baskets by a Master – Paul Willer
Blue eyes sparkling, with a mischievous grin, Paul Willer explained how he fell in love with Nantucket: “Oh, it was right away…I fell in love with the island as the boat was coming into the harbor…the next day, Peter said ‘Let’s go to the beach,’ and I said ‘No, let’s […]
Skirtin’ Around – Eye on Style
Whenever I am walking or driving past the boutique, Skirtin Around’s window display catches my eye. I am known to have a slight obsession with unique fabrics and bold patterns, so their shop really stands out to me. Much like a piece of artwork, their clothes have a distinct styling […]
The Modern Art of Decanting
• by Jenny Benzie, Advanced Sommelier and Proprietress of Épernay Wine & Spirits • Summertime on Nantucket means that strict rules about wine pairings and decanting wine can be left back home in the city or suburbs. Here, you can throw caution to the wind and take chances to make […]
Stars of August
• by Robert P. Barsanti • I missed the meteors this week. In other years, we have driven out to dark beaches and watched the lights streak across the great dome of stars. Not this year. This year the statistics of daily life with doctor’s appointments and ferry runs overwhelmed […]
Abstract Art of Xanda McCagg
This Friday, August 22, from 6 to 8 pm, Hostetler Gallery at 42 Centre Street will host the opening of an exhibition of vibrant, energetic abstract paintings by internationally known artist Xanda McCagg. McCagg’s paintings challenge the imagination and create a setting of conversation with the sculptures in the room, […]