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Snapping Turtle Nantucket
Island Science

Monster from the Deep – Snapping Turtles

~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ Last week I went with some of my high school interns to do water sampling at the small bridge located in Madaket at the intersection of South Cambridge Street, Red Barn Road, and Massasoit Bridge Road […]

Katherine Hooker
Nantucket Events, Nantucket Style

Classic Styles with a Contemporary Edge

Katherine Hooker London is delighted to return to Johnston’s of Elgin on Nantucket for an exclusive multi-day pop-up event beginning Friday, July 24. In addition, this year, for the first time customers will be able to purchase items from the ready-to-wear collection, which includes distinctively sleek and exquisitely cut jackets, […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Face Off: Hostetler & Werger

Two distinctly different artists—each working in different mediums with laser vision, a drive to express, and mastery of their crafts—are being featured this week at The Hostetler Gallery at 42 Centre Street. Entitled Face Off, this exhibition opens with a reception on Friday, July 24 from 6 to 8 pm. […]

Island Cooking, Nantucket Style

Summertime Beers

~ by Jenny Benzie, Advanced Sommelier + Certified Wine Educator, Proprietress of Épernay Wine & Spirits ~ The goal of a summertime beer is all about refreshment. Having a nice cold brew on a warm summer day (or as warm as it gets here on island) will never go out […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Spirit of the Island

Sarah Ellis is celebrating the opening of her new location for her popular shop Scrub Oak at 10 Straight Wharf, which at one time housed the Artists Association’s “Little Gallery,” with an art opening on Friday, July 24 featuring woodcuts by John Carruthers. The exhibit will continue to August 7. […]

Nantucket Style

Scrub Oak – Eye on Style

~ by Sarah Morneau ~ If you are wondering what happened to the two stores that used to stand in what is now an empty lot on Easy Street, have no fear, Scrub Oak and The Antiques Depot have found new homes! You can now find Scrub Oak in a […]