With wedding season upon us, it’s the perfect time to see what’s happening on the Real Nantucket Weddings page of the newly redesigned website devoted to island weddings: NantucketWeddings.com. Nantucket Island is a beautiful place to hold your wedding, but there are some extra hurdles to jump and careful planning […]
Nantucket Events
Share Your Nantucket Photos, Win a Prize
September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than 20 years, this popular contest has been a terrific way for you to share your Nantucket photos. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old photos) are accepted, as long as […]
Abstract Art of Xanda McCagg
This Friday, August 22, from 6 to 8 pm, Hostetler Gallery at 42 Centre Street will host the opening of an exhibition of vibrant, energetic abstract paintings by internationally known artist Xanda McCagg. McCagg’s paintings challenge the imagination and create a setting of conversation with the sculptures in the room, […]
Naming Contest Results Are In!
Maria Mitchell Association (MMA) has announced the winning names of their annual critter-naming contest. This year, participants went to bat to name a rare calico lobster and an African tortoise. From 149 choices, MMA’s staff selected the name Mze (pronounced M-zay) for their Bell’s hingeback tortoise. “Mze is a Swahili […]
The Moth Flies to Nantucket
• by Sarah Teach • From the days of cave paintings through the Middle Ages and on to era of iPhone ubiquity, storytelling has remained a central part of human culture, even as our methods have changed. At the forefront of modern methods is The Moth, a New York-based organization […]
Theatre-Inspired Dance Show
After the success of Nantucket Ballroom’s 2013 show, Don Juan Around the World, Nantucket Ballroom owner Mr. Andrey Stanev presents the never-before-seen, theatre-inspired dance show, Mystery on the Orient Express. Master Detective Hercule Poirot seems to have a knack for attracting tantalizing mysteries, no matter where he goes. Aboard a […]
A Feel-Good Family Comedy
• by Sarah Teach • At the heart of any great play is quality storytelling, and Tom Dudzick’s Miracle on South Division Street delivers. In choosing to show this play alongside A. R. Gurney’s Family Furniture, White Heron Theatre Company juxtaposes the lower-middle class normalcy of Dudzick with the well-heeled […]
Share Your Photos, Win a Prize in the Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest
September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than 20 years, this popular contest has been a terrific way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old photos) are accepted, as […]
Comic Storyteller – Cindy Pierce
• by Sarah Teach • Cindy Pierce just can’t help herself; she is an “incident magnet.” From childhood toilet episodes to recent mishaps in the bedroom, her audaciousness has translated into laughs for everyone who has heard her recount her experiences. Ten years ago, Pierce’s friends finally insisted that she […]