Island Science

ticks | Nantucket, MA
Insider Tips, Island Science

It’s Tick Time

With FIGAWI in the rearview mirror, it really feels like summer is upon us on the island. As we all start to spend more time outdoors on our conservation trails, we come into contact more frequently with one of the few hazards we have on Nantucket. We don’t have skunks, bear, coyotes, or venomous snakes. We do, however, have ticks. Late spring/early summer is a boon time for ticks, but with a mild winter and temperatures rarely going below freezing, ticks on island have been active all year round.

Island Science

Nantucket’s Rare Sandplain Grasslands

Driving around the south of the island, you may be headed to the beach or just going on a traditional Nantucket “rantum scoot.” Most dirt roads headed to the shore take you past open landscapes of waving grasses, low shrubs, and wildflowers when the season is right. Head of the Plains, Smooth Hummocks, Cisco— these are sandplain grasslands and coastal heathlands. On Nantucket, we’re pretty lucky: the sandplain grasslands here are some of the largest remaining intact grasslands of their kind in the world.

Girl with net in Nantucket grassland
Island Science

The Buzz about Bees

We know our little island is special. There are so many unique and wonderful things about Nantucket: the history, the community, our flora and fauna, and our open space protection.

Now we can add one more thing to the list; our bees.

Deer on Nantucket
Island Science

True Story of How Deer Got to Nantucket

If you ask anyone around the town of Nantucket how the deer came to the island, you may have some variety of answers, but generally “they swam” and “they were brought here” will be the primary responses. There is a local legend or old wives’ tale that states that our current population of more than 2,000 animals are descended from just three deer.

Bioluminescence | Nantucket Field Station | MA
Island Science

The Incredible Glow of August Nights

August is often described as the “Dog Days of Summer” for multiple reasons. Especially this summer with its endless string of hot days (especially hot for the island) coupled with a drought and record numbers of people. Looking for the positives, there are a lot of amazing things about the second half of August as well. The water is at its peak warmth for swimming, crowds begin to thin, peak wildflower season is starting, and the beach plums are close to ripe.

Island Science

Warmer Water Draws More Sharks

As part of a recent work trip to Maryland, I found myself at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. It was a great facility with an amazing central tank with creatures large and small from the Atlantic. It’s fun to go from tank to tank and check out all the creatures. But it’s that central tank full of the BIG fish that draws the crowds.

Island Science

A Very Different Type of Farming

Aphids may be the bane of existence for some gardeners. However, these tiny sap-sucking insects are a diverse group with some pretty interesting habits. Aphids are very common insects and are found on many plants in yards and gardens. In most cases they cause little or no damage to the health of plants. There are more than 1,200 species in North America. While some are generalists, most species of aphids are monophagous or feed on just a few species of closely related plants. If

Island Science

Drought Comes to Nantucket

All of Massachusetts is on some kind of drought status now as of this past weekend. Nantucket is still at a Level One which is considered a “mild drought.” We’re better off than much of the state, but it doesn’t mean we’re in the clear. Central and northeast regions of Massachusetts are in “Critical Drought” status. There is no meaningful rain in the forecast despite a few wet evenings. The hot temperatures continue and so will these conditions.