by Dr. Sarah T. Bois, Director of Research & Education for the Linda Loring Nature Foundation Some may think of Captain Ahab and whaling when they think of Nantucket fishing tradition. However, there is a long history of fishing on Nantucket with many species available to catch (and eat!) today […]
Featured Articles
Spiritual Heritage Brings Luis Palau to Nantucket June 29
• by Sanibel Chai • How does one achieve an international following and the admiration of former President Bill Clinton? Argentinian-born Luis Palau has managed to reach people and touch millions of lives with his ability to bring Christ to the masses. He has counseled and consulted with heads of […]
The Drinking Lads – Scotch Whiskey
by Jenny Benzie, Advanced Sommelier + Certified Wine Educator, Proprietress of Épernay Wine & Spirits The month of June gives us much to celebrate and a perfect time to focus on the milestones of the gentlemen in our lives. It has often been a rite of passage for a young […]
Nurturing New Nantucket Farmers
by Cara Godlesky Prior to the boom of the whaling industry, Nantucket was a sheep herding and farming community. The first settlers on the island were small groups of farmers and wool manufacturers who hunted small game and fished, according to the Nantucket Historical Association. Today, our economy migrated far […]
Tickets Now on Sale for Nantucket Book Festival Events
The sixth annual Nantucket Book Festival to be held this year on June 16, 17, and 18, has made some recent additions to their author line-up and is pleased to announce a full slate of ticketed events that will round out the weekend. Ticketed events provide audiences with unique opportunities […]
Nantucket Lighthouse School Honored by Monarch Watch
Early in April, Nantucket Lighthouse School received a Certificate of Appreciation from Monarch Watch, a non-profit education, conservation and research program based at the University of Kansas that focuses on the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its spectacular fall migration. The award grants Nantucket Lighthouse School’s Pollinator Garden national recognition […]
Boston Area Barbershop Quartets Open the Nantucket Arts Council Concert Series
They originated more than a century-and-a-half ago, but today’s barbershop quartets, rarely heard on Nantucket, entertain fans with bold, exciting blends of modern and traditional styles. To launch its 2017 springtime Downtown Celebrity Concert series, Nantucket Arts Council brings two award-winning barbershop groups together for an afternoon of spirited a […]
Nantucket Dreamland Winter Children’s Theatre Presents “Schoolhouse Rock Live!, Jr”
It’s exhilarating…it’s engaging…it’s enchanting, energizing, exciting, and yes, it’s even educational! “SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE!, JR” is The Dreamland’s fourth annual children’s theater winter production, and the show features more than 50 of Nantucket’s young actors ranging in age from 6 to 14. The children and the production team led by […]
Diane Rehm, Robert Pinsky, James Gleick among Featured Authors at the 2017 Nantucket Book Festival
Diane Rehm, the recently retired host of NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show, will make a featured appearance at the 2017 Nantucket Book Festival to discuss her memoir On My Own. Beginning her career in 1973 as a volunteer with WAMU, the petite woman with the fragile voice went on to […]