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boys on beach | Nantucket, MA
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Cheerios and Popsicles

by Robert P. Barsanti Recently, we entertained a very old confirmed bachelor, my Uncle Oswald. He babysat the kids, played in the surf, and read them stories at night. Oswald gave them airplane rides in the backyard and shoulder rides in the waves. In short, he was a wonderful houseguest […]

Shakshuka | Nantucket, MA
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Most Joyful Day

by Maryjane Mojer Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm The day before my day off is my favorite day of the week. I enjoy the potential as much as the day itself. On that most joyful day of the week, I clean my house as soon as I get home from work; […]

Stilt House | Nantucket, MA
Featured Articles, Nantucket Essays

Spring Sweeps In

by Robert P. Barsanti My neighbors are selling their summer place for seven million dollars. The websites tell me that the mortgage on that will break down to a neat 29,000 dollars a month. The house has been improved over the last two years, down to the foundation. It now […]