Nantucket Style

Native Shoes
Nantucket Style

Colorful, Carefree, & Fun

It seems the heavier the world gets, the more it needs lightness, and Live Lightly is a motto of Native Shoes, a company dedicated to designing footwear that is fun and comfortable and has a low climate impact and can—and has been!—recycled and repurposed into places for children to play.

Susan Lister Locke
Nantucket History & People, Nantucket Style

Her Second Time On Easy Street

What began as a way to fulfill her creative spirit has grown to become a place on Nantucket where you can fulfill your dreams.
Susan Lister Locke is an island jewelry designer with a studio and shop at 28 Easy Street, across from the waterfront Easy Street park. For decades her stunning designs have been sought after to mark special occasions and the milestones of life, for heirloom pieces, and as special gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. She specializes in beautiful jewelry that is fun to wear and designed to be enjoyed.

Nantucket Style

As the Garden Grows, So Does the Gardener

When I was little, I was surrounded by gardeners. My mother learned from her mother, and my grandmother from her mother. My grandfather would drive an old Kubota and forever maintain the rock walls on a small farm the family had in Westport, MA. We spent all our holidays on the farm. Thanksgiving was definitely a favorite of mine growing up. All the cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and acquaintances took treks with the pack of dogs down the long winding driveway to the pond, just so we could traverse the rickety-rackety bridge. We kids would hop the stone walls, dodge cow pies, and race to the water’s edge in search of treasure that had washed up. I remember my cousin Milicent once found a sea horse completely intact. What a day! On the way back up to the house, there were often ripe pears dangling from the trees. I was just big enough to climb up and collect a few each time. My first tooth was lost whilst blissfully biting into one of those pears. Thinking about it today, it was an idyllic setting to lose a tooth: sun low in the sky, pears dangling in the dimming light, and me, perched on a boulder below, bleeding from my mouth, pear in hand smiling from ear to ear.

Gifts that Give Back
Nantucket Style

Gifts that Give Back

As members of a small community, our favorite gifts to give are gifts that give back. When you Shop Local on Nantucket, you are helping the small makers and small businesses who make our island unique.

eye on style: Ack 4170
Nantucket History & People, Nantucket Style

Eye on Style: ACK 4170

If you know the meaning of ACK, either you love Nantucket or you’re a pilot. It was her love of Nantucket that inspired artist and photographer Susan Fairgrieve to start ACK 4170TM four years ago in 2017.

Susan and her husband first visited Nantucket in 2000: “My husband and I would always go to The Vineyard. When a friend suggested we visit Nantucket, we thought we’d give it a try. We did, and we never went back to The Vineyard!”

Nantucket Events, Nantucket Style

ACK Photo Contest

Did you take that prize-winning photo you’ve been trying to capture all season? Now’s the time to share it with the world and perhaps win some cash in the process! September 12 is deadline to enter the 2021 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For nearly 30 years, this popular annual contest […]