Author: yi_302qo9y0

Island Science

Summer Pyrotechnics – Fireflies

• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • The gentle glowing of fireflies that surround me at the UMass Boston Nantucket Field station is a welcome summer visitor.  I was surprised when a group of students from Worcester was shocked and delighted to see these […]

Island Cooking

Gifts from the Sea

• by Leah Mojer • For the last few weeks, all I can think about is fishing. I have been blessed with some very patient fishing friends who have taken me under their wing and very patiently shown me the ropes, (ahem lines and lures) and even their most precious […]

Stephen Shepard| Geschke Series | Nantucket | MA
Nantucket Events

Atheneum Summer Speakers

• by Julianne Adams • For almost a decade, the Nantucket Atheneum has played host to a number of illustrious men and women through the Geschke Lecture Series. The Series began in 2005 when the Atheneum received a grant from the National Endowment For The Humanities, a pivotal turning point […]

Staged Reading of Moby Dick | Nantucket | MA
Nantucket Events

Ahab Returns

The tides have coursed Nantucket whaleship Pequod back home. In a collaborative effort between the Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) and Theatre Workshop of Nantucket (TWN), the staged reading of Orson Welles’ Moby-Dick Rehearsed, will return to the NHA’s Gosnell Hall on July 14-17, and August 11-14, 2014. The play, which […]

Nantucket Essays

Drive Like Mike

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Six of them were standing in the middle of a sand parking lot near Fat Ladies Beach. Mom was wearing a mom-like swim suit, but everyone else was wearing something from some company that made competitive yoga outfits. There were sunglasses, and bags, and […]

Gin & Tonic | Nantucket | MA
Island Cooking

A Tasty Tipple

• by Carri L. Wroblewski, BRIX Wine Shop • From beachfront bars to the toniest of country clubs the gin and tonic has long been a summer staple. Easy to make, straightforward ingredients, and lack of precise measurements, one can turn out a tasty tipple without much effort. However, over […]

Picnic on Nantucket
Island Cooking

Feast for the Fourth

• by Leah Mojer • The 4th of July on Nantucket is about as good as it gets anywhere on earth. A beach day, yes, but anything but the usual, with picnics packed to the gills with strawberry shortcake, hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cold beer, and lemonade. The senses are bombarded […]