Author: yi_302qo9y0

Nantucket Events

Getting Close to Life Under the Water

Nantucket native Ben Phillips is an underwater photographer, travel-diving specialist and diving instructor. During the past five years, he has spent much time diving and photographing underwater subjects in top destinations in Southeast Asia. He is currently photographing around Nantucket and Cape Cod for large pelagic fish, which live in […]

Nantucket Essays

Wisdom of Hands

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ “Do you know anyone with a 1967 Bug?” my personal mechanic asked me. He stood in his side yard and was holding a y-shaped piece of metal. “This is a trailer hitch for a Bug and I hate to take it to the dump.” […]

Island Science

Day of the Triffids – Invasive Species

~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ Whenever I write about invasive plants, usually when I am elbow deep pulling them up on a roadside or conservation land, I always think of the 1951 book and 1962 Movie “The Day of the Triffids” […]

Schustick at the NHA | Nantucket
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

NHA Welcomes Back Bill Schustik

The island’s favorite troubadour Bill Schustik returns to Nantucket on Monday, August 17 at 6 pm in the Whaling Museum, 13 Broad Street. In a lively one-man performance, Schustik delivers a troubadour’s tribute to summer with music and stories that reflect the glorious summer season on Nantucket. Schustik brings us […]

Nantucket Entertaining, Nantucket Style

Rum Tour

~ by Jenny Benzie, Advanced Sommelier + Certified Wine Educator, Proprietress of Épernay Wine & Spirits ~ In the historic days of the great whaling industry on Nantucket, young men would leave island on sea voyages that could last up to three years. Large stores of all kinds had to […]

Island Science

Red-Eared Killing Machine

~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ We had a little bit of drama in the UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station lab on Friday. Trawalney, our 15-20 year old red eared slider turtle (named by one of our junior rangers) decided the beautiful […]