Author: yi_302qo9y0

Last Day on Nantucket
Nantucket Essays

The Last Day

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ On his last day, he woke early. He eased out of bed, one foot, turned to a knee, and then slipped out without bouncing the mattress. She slept on; he wanted to be alone for a moment. No noise slipped from the girls room, […]

Artists Association of Nantucket
Nantucket Arts

Celebrating 70 Years of Art on Nantucket

This Friday, September 4, the Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) will open Seventy Years On, an exhibition celebrating the organization’s 70th anniversary, with a reception from 5 to 7 pm in their new Visual Arts Center at 24 Amelia Drive. Intended to celebrate Nantucket art and artists with historic artwork […]

Island Science

Cicada Mania

~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ I was sifting through a bunch of rainfall data trying to wrap my writing around the topic of drought, when the buzz of a cicada reminded me of one of my favorite sounds of the summer. […]

Nantucket Essays

One Week More

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ Labor Day comes late this year. For most of my life, Labor Day was my true birthday. When I was much younger, it marked the moment when I got a year older; suddenly I was in sixth grade or I was in high school […]