Tag: dogs

Nantucket Essays

In the Season of Small Dogs

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ When the nail gun starts next door at seven in the morning, my boon companion starts barking. The workers bang six nails into the dawn, and he barks them out as best he can. Standing in my underwear at the kitchen sink, I scratch […]

Living with a Dog
Nantucket Essays

Love Unleashed

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Until this year, I have never lived with a dog. I have lived with parents, children, and wives, so I am used to certain duties and responsibilities. I know enough to turn the lights off before I go to bed, hide the Oreos from […]

Nantucket Essays

Strange Customs

• by Robert P Barsanti • I have a puppy.  He has been growing and the honeymoon is ending, but he can turn heads on the street and pose for a picture with the occasional toddler.  While many dogs have been chased into and out of my life, he is […]