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G.S. Hill Gallery
Nantucket Arts

Take Home a Memory

About 40 years ago, island resident, diver, and businessman Philip Osley got a call about a fishing boat stranded off of Great Point. He went out to investigate and found only a small white dinghy. Osley brought it in and was never able to ascertain who owned it. Since no […]

Artists Association of Nantucket Masterworks
Nantucket Events

Masterworks Opens

From 5 to 7 pm this Friday, August 11, the public is invited to mingle with island artists and view their large works during an opening reception for The Artists Association of Nantucket Masterworks exhibit, upstairs in The Big Gallery at 12 Straight Wharf.

Native Shoes Robbie
Exploring Nantucket, Nantucket Style

Go Back to School in Robbies

Native Shoes is an innovative and unique approach to footwear, and lucky for us the only one in the US is right here on Nantucket. Beth Thomas, the island store’s retail manager, says Native’s motto is “Live lightly: everything we do here is to create a comfortable versatile lightweight shoe that is better for the planet.” This is true in every aspect of the company the shoes are a lightweight material, and have a light environmental impact, and the sunny disposition of the workers at the Nantucket store is sure to lighten your day.

Two Play Dates
Nantucket Essays

Two Play Dates

My morning routine goes like this: Step one – make coffee. Step two – check email while drinking coffee. Step three usually involves looking at the world news and being disgusted. Let’s just ignore step three for now, shall we? Much too depressing.

Nantucket Essays

Tables and Totems

I have been vexed by a closet. Inside, on the floor, drifts of clothes, papers, hats, swim suits, and about fifty shoes in one shape or another. On the walls, on various shelves, are vases, plates, platters, and card board boxes with specific tools that we no longer need. I am not sure if the automatic bubble machine is strictly necessary at this stage of my life

Egan Maritime Institute
Exploring Nantucket, Insider Tips

Maritime Fun for All

This summer Egan Maritime Institute is offering free daily family programs at the Shipwreck and Lifesaving Museum Monday through Friday outside on the Museum’s grounds from 10 am to 3 pm. In addition to tried-and-true favorites, like rope making and knot tying, they have added new and updated activities for different ages and learning styles. These activities include a focus on art and design, as well as opportunities to learn about traditional boat building.

When Jane Austin Came to Town
Nantucket Essays, Nantucket History & People

When Jane Austin Came to Town

According to off-island enthusiasts, visiting Nantucket was something like a trip to a living history museum. As with Rome, the ancient glory of Nantucket had faded, but its heritage remained. An article in Harper’s Magazine from that time drew a connection between Nantucket’s main product— whale oil for lighting—and the experience of the “good old days” that Nantucket now represented. Between the ages of “lusty barbarism” (lighted by tallow) on the one side and “overstrained and diseased civilization” (lighted by kerosene) on the other, stood Nantucket and the “golden age of reason”— lighted by whale oil. Nantucket’s predominantly Federalist-style homes embodied “all the Renaissance classicism of Andrea Palladio as reinterpreted by Inigo Jones, Christopher Wren, and Robert Adam, and then stripped down to its bare essentials for trans-Atlantic shipment, whence it found its way to the houses of American rum merchants and whaling captains. It was the École des Beaux Arts simplified—the grand formal orders of antiquity that America had long consigned to a cobwebby corner of the national attic and forgotten. Above all, it was restrained and dignified, calming, orderly, and elegant, an architecture worthy of the forward-looking, rationalistic culture of the America of the late nineteenth century.”