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Nantucket Essays

Lessons of Nantucket

The neighbors have arrived.

They brought their dogs.

The Golden Retrievers came racing in from both sides, clashed in our yard, and then went dashing after each other in a joyful chase for suburban dominance. Their owners slid the sliding glass doors shut.

We all like dogs, and we know how they can behave. It doesn’t surprise me, or anyone in my house, that the dogs like to run around and have found lots of good things to smell and eat in our backyard. We have been dumping clam shells and rotted scallops behind the wall for months. If their dogs want them, they can have at them.

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

AAN Opens Two New Exhibits May 26

Main Street’s flower-filled fountain… boats bobbing in Nantucket harbor… longer days and moon-lit bays… our island’s beautiful early summer afternoons: see them all expressed on canvas in the Artists Association of Nantucket’s new exhibit Nothing But Blue Skies. The exhibition opens on Friday, May 26 in the Cecelia Joyce & […]

Island Science

Nantucket’s Rare Sandplain Grasslands

Driving around the south of the island, you may be headed to the beach or just going on a traditional Nantucket “rantum scoot.” Most dirt roads headed to the shore take you past open landscapes of waving grasses, low shrubs, and wildflowers when the season is right. Head of the Plains, Smooth Hummocks, Cisco— these are sandplain grasslands and coastal heathlands. On Nantucket, we’re pretty lucky: the sandplain grasslands here are some of the largest remaining intact grasslands of their kind in the world.

Nantucket Daffodil Festival 2023
Nantucket Events

Highlight of Nantucket’s Daffodil Festival

From the very beginning, the Nantucket Garden Club’s Daffodil Flower Show has been the centerpiece of our island’s annual Daffodil Festival. It all started nearly half a century ago in May of 1975, when the Nantucket Garden Club, encouraged by member Jean MacAusland, organized the first Nantucket Daffodil Show. Sanctioned […]

Steve Tornovish with Fish
Exploring Nantucket, Nantucket Events

Spring Training

You’ve waited all winter, dreaming of getting back out there for the new season. You’ve relived moments from the past season, moments of success, of failure, dreaming endlessly of what could have been. But that was then, this is now. It’s time for the 2023 fishing season to get going.

Girl with net in Nantucket grassland
Island Science

The Buzz about Bees

We know our little island is special. There are so many unique and wonderful things about Nantucket: the history, the community, our flora and fauna, and our open space protection.

Now we can add one more thing to the list; our bees.