Author: yi_302qo9y0

Geronimo's of Nantucket | Pet Supplies
Nantucket Style

Geronimo’s of Nantucket – Eye on Style

– by Sarah Morneau –Geronimo’s of Nantucket is more than pet food! Jan Jaeger moved to Nantucket from Colorado in 1991 with her family, two cats, and dog Geronimo. She soon discovered that there were no island sources to purchase the products she was used to buying for her animals, […]

Nantucket Essays

Summer Education

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Education ends and begins in the spring. The high school had its graduation in the auditorium; the parents and well-wishers watched as the students moved their tassels from one side to the other and then it was done for them. They went home to […]

Risso's Dolphin
Island Science

The Grey Grampus or Risso’s Dolphin

• by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay – Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • Over the past few weeks, a deceased Risso’s Dolphin has been seen off Madaket as its sad corpse is returned to the shoreline by incoming waves. At least three people have emailed or texted me […]