by Robert P. Barsanti The ocean is easy in Maine. Off of Southport Island, it slips all the way out at low tide, leaving mud and seagulls, then it slowly walks itself back in. At low tide, you smell the salt, the rot, and the weeds. Then, the water lifts […]
Author: yi_302qo9y0
Celebrating Art on Nantucket
by Sarah Teach Summer may be coming to a close, but the Artists Association of Nantucket is still in full bloom. This coming Friday, August 24, the AAN will kick off its annual Artist Patron Exhibition, which has been an AAN tradition since 1947. The juried show will begin with […]
Squeaky Cheese
by Chef Jenn Farmer My close friend Noel and I were lamenting about old style drive in restaurants. We both miss going to them. They weren’t just novel, the food was usually great. One of my largest guilty pleasures growing up was getting fried cheese at these drive-ins. I come […]
Photo Contest Deadline Approaching
The deadline for the 2012 Yesterday’s Photo Contest is quickly approaching. Photos contest entries must be received (or postmarked) by September 13, 2012. Now in its second decade, this popular contest is a fun way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time […]
A Nantucket Tale on Nantucket
by Sarah Teach They’re wealthy, they’re smart, they’re successful; and they own a giant summer home on Nantucket. Sound familiar? Meet the Moscow family, the brainchildren of playwright Sam Forman, the author of the Helen Hayes Award-nominated The Rise and Fall of Annie Hall. Theatre Workshop of Nantucket presents the […]
by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station In the past year, the UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station has offered two public lectures and a summer course in Biomimicry, and we plan to include it in our regular year round and summer offerings. Biomimicry is both […]
Celebration of a Life’s Endeavor
In the morning, even before the Hy-Line ferry boat docks to let off passengers, Straight Wharf is a busy place. Shops are opening, people are strolling, and the charter boats are preparing for a day full of expectant visitors. There’s a line of charter boats docked along Straight Wharf offering […]
Water, Water Everywhere
Wannacomet Water Company by Sarah Teach Wherever you are on Nantucket, you know you can quickly reach water. And that’s one reason we all love Nantucket. We swim in it; we sail through it; we breathe in its salty scent, thick with the promise of life. But we cannot drink […]
Sing the Body Electric
by Robert P. Barsanti In August, the kids start to leave. Over the country, schools have broken through the Labor Day wall and call the young back for practice, or for team building, or even classes. The calendar sneaks up with a suitcase and a boat ticket. The last week […]