Tag: Nature Studies

Turkey Vultures on Nantucket
Island Science

Vultures – Unofficial Members of the Clean Team

by Dr. Sarah T. Bois, Director of Research & Education for the Linda Loring Nature Foundation Until recently, Turkey Vultures were a rare occurrence on Nantucket. They would make the occasional Christmas bird count and were listed as a rarity in the 1979 Checklist of Nantucket Birds by Edith Andrews […]

Island Science

What Is This? EEK! Spiders!

~ by Katherine Brooks, Maria Mitchell Association ~ Fangs. The photo to the right is a close up of a tarantula – or a purseweb spider – hiding out in its tubular home, and giving the camera a toothy grin. Nantucket is home to a few unusual spiders, including tarantulas, […]

Featured Articles

Island Roost

E. Vernon Laux: Nantucket’s Bird Man •  by Sarah Teach  • Editors Note: We were saddened today to hear of the passing of Vern Laux this morning in Nantucket Cottage Hospital.  To honor his contributions to life on the island, we are reprinting an interview from 2012.  Fly high, Vern! […]

Nantucket BioDiversity Initiative
Island Science

Nantucket Nature Year in Review – 2014

• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • 2014 has been an interesting and eventful year for the world of Nantucket nature. Winter Storms on Nantucket In March we had a serious winter storm similar to the doozies we endured in February and March of […]

Beach Plums
Island Science

Nantucket’s Beach Plums

• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • I finally got to do something quintessentially ”Nantuckety” today for the first time in the eleven years that I have lived here, namely pick beach plums. I stumbled upon a bush laden with purple fruit and was […]

Bioluminescence | Nantucket Field Station | MA
Island Science

Nature’s Living Light Show, Bioluminescence

• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • Bioluminescence is the creation of light by a chemical reaction by a creature. One of the many benefits of living on Nantucket is that we get to experience bioluminescence from many sources, not the least of which […]

Island Science

Winter Weather

• by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station • I am writing this article on an unseasonably warm Sunday in November. According to Weather Underground (http://www.wunderground.com ) which is usually my go-to source for weather data the maximum temperature was 57 degrees Fahrenheit on Nantucket […]