It’s once again BioBlitz time on Nantucket! July is the perfect time for a BioBlitz. It’s peak growing season, height of insects, the tail end of nesting season for many birds, decent weather for beachcombing, and there are lots of people on-island to help count them all!
Recent Posts
Bringing the American Revolution to Life
The First Oval Office Project is a one-of-a-kind traveling immersive environment that includes hand-sewn tents and hand-made camp furniture that bring to life the stories of the diverse people and complex events during the years 1775- 1783. This week, Wednesday, July 13 and Thursday, July 14, the Nantucket Historical Association […]
Launching Lives Event on July 14
Thursday, July 14, Egan Maritime Institute will host its annual Launching Lives, Lasting Legacies Fundraiser in at the Shipwreck and Lifesaving Museum from 5 to 7 pm. Egan Maritime Institute’s mission is to preserve and celebrate our island’s seafaring heritage. The Launching Lives, Lasting Legacies cocktail party celebrates all of […]
A Revolutionary Show
This Friday, July 8, Theatre Workshop of Nantucket brings to summer audiences a special show that Broadwayworld described as “like going to a musical and a concert.” We Will Rock You follows two revolutionaries as they try to save rock’n’roll in a post-apocalyptic world. It’s a fist-pumping, foot-stomping anthem to […]
Fun on the Fourth
The 4th of July on Nantucket is filled with fun activities this year. The day’s events will be different from what you may recall pre-pandemic, but there will still be lots of old-fashioned fun finished off with fireworks! Starting at 8:30 am and continuing till 12:30 pm, the Nantucket Farmers […]
Inventive, Inspired, and Seriously Good
The old adage suggests
saving the best for last, and
there’s certainly wisdom in
that. The best should be studied
and savored. The best
takes time to truly understand
and appreciate. But time is
fleeting, which is why we enjoyed
the best as our first Featured
Restaurant of this
summer season.
The Battle Doesn’t End Unless You Surrender
Nobody gave us America. At best it is a trophy won from years of war. This war may involve guns and Redcoats, or marches and firehoses, or tear gas and pink hats, but we have always been at war with enemies foreign and domestic. The battles swing from Europe and Asia to Pennsylvania and Chicago, but those battles continue. The labor doesn’t end.
Best to Let Them Be
It’s baby bird season, and it has been a busy one so far. It’s a good time to revisit what to do when you have an encounter with a nest or baby bird and how you can best help these vulnerable little ones. At the Linda Loring Nature Foundation we frequently get calls about what to do when a bird “falls out of the nest” or the mother “abandons” the nest.
Art Shows Indoors, Outdoors, & Online
Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) is delighted to announce the opening of the Modern Epic Gigantic Artworks in the Big Gallery on Friday, July 1, with a festive reception and Ribbon Cutting with the Chamber of Commerce at 5 P.M. Located on the second floor of the Thomas Macy Warehouse […]