SERENELLA NANTUCKET has expanded their island presence for 2022 so they can bring together an even more impressive range of leading and emerging designers from around the world. Ready-towear continues to be the main focus, along with a vast assortment of fine jewelery, accessories, lifestyle, and an exciting new category: Uomo.
Recent Posts
When the Wind Turns There Is Always Plan C
The youngest and I went off-island to take a driver’s test. Nature might be healing from Covid but it takes the Registry of Motor Vehicles a little longer to get back to up to speed than the rest of us do. The brewers were up faster than the restaurants, the restaurants before the health clubs, and the Registry comes dawdling at the end of the line. So, the office in the town building remains shortstaffed, and Registry business either comes zapping over the wires or steaming across the water. So we steamed.
Task Force Looking Out for Avian Flu On-Island
The latest avian flu has been detected on Nantucket and is now spreading to multiple species of wild birds. A local task force is keeping tabs on the situation and new local research is hoping to shed light on the situation.
Mystique of the Feminine in Art
This Saturday, July 23, from 6 to 8 pm, celebrate the female form at the new exhibit in Hostetler Gallery at 42 Centre Street entitled Feminine Mystique. Featuring paintings by Donna Isham, photography by Alyssa Fortin, and David Hostetler’s sculptures of the female form, the event promises to inspire discussion […]
Swim for a Cause
The annual swim to raise money for the Nantucket Cottage Hospital Oncology Department and the Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket (“PASCON”) is back on Jetties Beach this Saturday, July 23, 2022 at 8 am. Swim Across America – Nantucket is celebrating its tenth year on the island this year. […]
When Flames Lit Up the Sky
Imagine standing on the steps of the Pacific National Bank of Nantucket at the top of Main Street early in the morning on July 14. You look toward the Harbor and see nothing before you but smoking ashes and the brickwork of the Pacific Club Building. To the left, the […]
Something for Everyone on Easy Street
Featured Restaurant: Easy Street Cantina by C. Oscar Olson With all the restaurants on Nantucket—and there are many—there are very few that can please every patron and every palate. There are even fewer that can provide ample seating for the whole family, be it indoors or out on a spacious […]
Warmth of Privilege
We have had a run of beach days. A puddle of relatively cool and dry air has sat over New England and spilled out over the Atlantic to about a hundred miles south of the island. Sitting on the shore, the southern press of clouds massed and slid by on the southern horizon. The island lucked into a cool pocket, under light northern winds, through the end of the week and the weekend.
Help Team Turtle on Nantucket
Did you know that the ancestors of our Nantucket snapping turtles existed more than 40 million years ago?! These prehistoric-looking creatures are top predators in many aquatic systems and an important part of the present-day Nantucket ecosystem. Unfortunately, we may be “loving” them a little too much. Feeding practices, turtle handling, and otherwise harassing these wild animals has reached a fever pitch the past few years and local conservation and wildlife groups are hoping to do something about it.