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Nantucket Arts

Free Farewell Concert Dedicated to PASCON

Nantucket Community Music Center student and NHS graduate Maudjeani Pelissier will present a farewell concert comprised of original compositions he is currently recording for a new album. The free concert will take place in the Studio Theater of the Nantucket Dreamland, South Water Street on Thursday, August 18 at 8pm. […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Art Exhibit Opens Friday

Anne Marie Bratton is a photo-real artist, who works in oil, graphite, and watercolors. A summer resident of Nantucket Island, she is very active in the community as a patron, board member, and chair of events. While on-island, she often continues to hone her skills by taking classes with local […]

Insider Tips, Nantucket Events

Deadline September 12

September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2022 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than a quarter century, this popular contest has been a fun and favorite way for residents and visitor to share their images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, as long as the photo was […]

Nantucket History & People

Catchin’ with Tuna

There are plenty of pastimes to be had on Nantucket: many miles of trails and bike paths, an abundance of activities and attractions, so many marvelous museums. And of course, there is the ocean. Whether it’s swimming or shelling or just walking in the surf with wet, sandy feet, the beach never seems to get old. This year, with the help of our friend Steve Tornovish, we rediscovered a longlost love for a coastal activity in our family: fishing.

Boston Pops Nantucket
Nantucket Events

Pops Concert Is Back Live on Jetties Beach

Twenty-seven years ago a small group of volunteers came together to try to do something big for Nantucket Cottage Hospital. Led by an ardent hospital supporter, the late Kathryn Clauss, they imagined what seemed impossible: what if we could get the world-famous Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra to come to Nantucket? […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

A Week of Art Events

This is a busy week for art on Nantucket. On Friday, August 12, the Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) will host their annual Artist/Patron Exhibition, beginning on Friday, August 12. The exhibition will be on display through Monday, September 5 in the Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Gallery, 19 Washington […]

Island Science

Warmer Water Draws More Sharks

As part of a recent work trip to Maryland, I found myself at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. It was a great facility with an amazing central tank with creatures large and small from the Atlantic. It’s fun to go from tank to tank and check out all the creatures. But it’s that central tank full of the BIG fish that draws the crowds.

Featured Articles

Raining Meatball

The other day, I waited on Surfside Road. I know all of the ways to duck around the traffic, slip up a dirt road, but I was listening to a radio and missed the turn. I was carrying two air conditioners to a house I was caretaking. With the heat and humidity of the summer on us, the owners wanted to cool off the bedrooms, at least. On the radio, the Harbormaster had sent out a message that pretty much all of the south shore was closed to swimming due to sharks. As for me, I was stuck behind a Defender 90 from New Jersey with five beach chairs hanging on a rack off the spare tire. And while I was sitting stock still in traffic, amazed at my own stupidity, I fell out of time.

Dial M for Murder
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Don’t Miss the Murder

You have just a few more chances to see the deliciously devious drawing room thriller that is currently on stage at White Heron Theatre: Dial M for Murder. This Hitchcock classic is one of the stellar professional productions during this Nantucket theatre company’s tenth anniversary season. It features Tony Award-winner […]