Formed in 1834 as a private, membership organization, the Nantucket Atheneum has had nine librarians in its storied history, beginning with famous astronomer Maria Mitchell. Nantucket’s Great Fire of 1846 destroyed the former building and virtually all of the library’s collections. The Atheneum was rebuilt on the same site in […]
Recent Posts
Swimming to Benefit On-Island Cancer Care
Swim Across America Nantucket kicks off its annual swim on Saturday, July 22nd at 8 am at Jetties Beach. The Swim is a summer highlight and a moving experience that is not to be missed. Year-round and summer residents are invited to join the Swim, which features a kid’s splash, […]
Countdown Is On Til August Blues
Blues music is about the realities of life. It expresses the ebb and flow of our human emotions, focusing mostly on the melancholy. When we’re sad, we have the blues. When we want to move away from that sadness, we can chase the blues away with music. Musically, it’s the famous 1-3-5 chord progression and a call and response lyric. But here on Nantucket, we’re often chasing the blues and trying our best to catch them. Never more so than this August, as the inaugural August Blues fishing tournament is ready to hit the Nantucket inshore fishing community.
Living in a Myth?
The Maine turnpike goes through a lot of nature. It wanders through hundreds of miles of pine trees, oaks, and salt water rivers. On our way south from Boothbay, with presents in the back, cupcakes in the front, Dar Williams on Spotify, and the air conditioning humming, we came across Momma Duck.
They’re Here… Portuguese Man-o-War
Last weekend, the first Portuguese Man-o-War of the season were spotted off of Cisco and Ladies Beaches. By the time this article is printed, I expect there will have been more sightings.
Known for its vibrant blue and pink colors, Portuguese Man-o-War has a gasfilled bag on top with tentacles that can extend up to 30 feet in length. During the day, the Man-o-War tentacles coil up, and appear thicker and shorter, but when they fish for prey at night, the tentacles extend out further, difficult to avoid for a swimmer.
Learn How to Capture the Cosmos
Astrophotography is the use of photography in astronomy: the photographing of celestial objects and phenomena. In addition to capturing details of extended objects like Earth’s moon, it also has the power to photograph objects not visible to the human eye, such as dim stars, nebulae, and galaxies. The Maria Mitchell […]
Truly a Good Neighbor
There’s an individual on Nantucket Island who has been a vibrant part of our island community for more than four decades. A physician who loves taking care of people and is known for his expertise, his outdoor hobbies, and his quirky sense of humor. And now Dr. Timothy Lepore has […]
True Love Is Eternal… For Better and for Worse
The smash comedy hit in London and New York, Noel Coward’s Blithe Spirit continues to entertain audiences at Nantucket’s White Heron Theatre. The plot follows fussy, cantankerous novelist Charles, who has remarried but finds himself haunted (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, Elvira. Clever, insistent, and well-aware […]
A Grand Evening of Music on July 25
Baritone David Wolfe is the headline performer this week at Nantucket Musical Arts Society’s third concert of its stellar 2023 summer season. Wolfe will perform at 7 pm this Tuesday, July 25 in Saint Paul’s Church, 20 Fair Street, the Society’s new venue for its summer series, now in its […]