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Winter on Nantucket | Nantucket | MA
Nantucket Essays

Nantucket Winters

•  by Robert P. Barsanti • On Friday at four, A contractor and I stood on the rear deck of the Gray Lady Two as it popped into its high gear, sprouted a rooster tail, and zipped over the swells. The long swells marched slowly in from the northeast. We […]

Nantucket Events, Nantucket History & People

2014 Nantucket Cranberry Festival

What New Englander doesn’t love cranberries? Nantucketers are no exception. Island residents have cultivated cranberries for over 150 years, and today, the island is home to two cranberry bogs, including one of the nation’s only organic bogs. In celebration of this tart, tradition-steeped red berry, the Nantucket Conservation Foundation (NCF) […]

Great White Sharks off Nantucket
Island Science

Katharine & Betsey – Great White Sharks Return

• by Dr. Sarah Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station • They’re back! Two great white sharks tagged in 2013 have returned to our waters over the past week. Katharine and Betsy were tagged by scientists with the well-known Massachusetts based shark research group OCEARCH ( in August […]

Nantucket Whalers
Nantucket Essays, Nantucket History & People

Whalers Then & Now

• by Robert P. Barsanti • When the mighty Nantucket Whalers scored their first touchdown of the game, I was sitting at the fifty yard line discussing computer software. We paused in our discussion and watched the Upper Cape Voke tacklers bounce off of the running back until he stood […]

FIRST PRIZE - Patrick Williams of Nantucket
Featured Articles

2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest Winners

THANK YOU! to the hundreds of photograpers who entered the 2014 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest! And remember to keep your photos ready for next year or start sending them in now! Make sure to include your name, address, subject, & date taken. Email to yi@ Digital images emailed or […]