Nantucket Arts

Rainbow Parade
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events, Nantucket History & People

This Sunday Is for Rainbows

This Sunday morning, August 20, hundreds will trek to the beach at Brant Point to watch a beautiful and joyful spectacle that has been a part of summer on Nantucket for half a century: the Rainbow Parade.
Artist G.S. Hill is usually among them. “I do a lot of on-location sketches during Opera Cup,” he explained. “The first year we were here, 1979, was the first year that I painted the Rainbow Fleet…it’s one of my favorite subjects. They’re so colorful!”

R. Simantov
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Style

Artistry in Gold & Gems

Estate jewelry has a timeless beauty with details and expert craftsmanship that is rarely seen today… unless you discover R. Simantov’s Nantucket shop along Easy Street at 1 Old North Wharf.
In this charming location, jewelry designer Reubin Simantov offers a carefully curated collection of unique vintage pieces. Jewelry like an Art Deco yachting sail brooch sparkling with diamonds of many cuts, shapes, and sizes. It’s a wearable piece of artwork with exquisite details that include a curved sail, a waving burgee, a sailor on deck, and even waves in front of the hull.

Rock of Ages.
Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Gotta Love the 80s

If you can’t resist tapping your feet and singing along to 80s classics like Hit Me with Your Best Shot, Paradise City, Don’t Stop Believin’, and Juke Box Hero, then you don’t want to miss Theatre Workshop of Nantucket’s musical Rock of Ages. This well-produced, professionally acted, high-energy show is […]

G.S. Hill Gallery
Nantucket Arts

Take Home a Memory

About 40 years ago, island resident, diver, and businessman Philip Osley got a call about a fishing boat stranded off of Great Point. He went out to investigate and found only a small white dinghy. Osley brought it in and was never able to ascertain who owned it. Since no […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Learn How to Capture the Cosmos

Astrophotography is the use of photography in astronomy: the photographing of celestial objects and phenomena. In addition to capturing details of extended objects like Earth’s moon, it also has the power to photograph objects not visible to the human eye, such as dim stars, nebulae, and galaxies. The Maria Mitchell […]