Author: yi_302qo9y0

Island Science

The Beautiful and Vicious Lady Crab

~ by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay, Director, University of Massachusetts Nantucket Field Station ~ There are many crabs that call Nantucket’s waters their home; both native species and interlopers paddle, skulk, scamper, skitter, or crab-walk around. Common species include the lady crab, black-fingered mud crabs, spider crabs, blue crabs, purple […]

Nantucket Arts, Nantucket Events

Donn Russell Back on ACK

Graphic artist, writer, musician, philanthropist, and a true art icon of Nantucket, Donn Russell arrived on-island in the early 1970s and pursued a passion for the island in gorgeous clean serigraphs with a unique perspective and often showcasing his dry wit. In 2014, Donn sold his home and studio and […]

Nantucket Events

Share Your Photos, Win a Prize

September 12 is the deadline to enter the 2015 Yesterday’s Island Photo Contest. For more than 20 years, this popular contest has been a terrific way for you to share your images of Nantucket Island. Any season, any view, any time period (we love the old photos) are accepted, as […]

Insider Tips

3 Not to Miss – This Week on Nantucket

Whales… If you love chocolate, you’ll love Sweet Inspirations, Nantucket’s artisan chocolatier. This spring they moved back to their original home at Zero India Street, across from the Atheneum park. In this newly renovated space, they have an open artisan kitchen with lots of natural light and better display space […]