Author: yi_302qo9y0

Featured Articles

Health Care for Visitors

Nantucket Cottage Hospital (NCH), Nantucket’s primary source of full range health and wellness services, has announced the expansion of its primary care program, MD ACKcess. This expansion will offer both year-round residents and seasonal visitors easy access to leading primary care clinicians conveniently located on the island. With MD ACKcess, […]

40th Pole
Insider Tips

Insider Tips #4

Our Fourth installment of insider tips is an assortment of our staff favorites: Fishing for Stripers It’s striper season, and we love to go surf fishing from the gentle waters of Dionis Beach. Last time we did that, we ended up with two huge stripers and we cooked ’em up […]

Nantucket Events

Family Excursions – Beachcombing

Is there a human being who lives on or has ever visited Nantucket Island who hasn’t gone for a wonderful relaxing walk along a mile or two of the 88 miles of beach edging the land?  And of course, most beachwalkers find themselves bending down now and then to examine […]

Island Science

Tooth and Nail – Ivory throughout the Ages

by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station For the second time this past week I was fortunate to be in the Nantucket Whaling Museum accompanying a group of students.  Each year I take 10-15 groups there and I never tire of seeing the exhibits.  I […]

Nantucket Essays

Municipal Rain

by Robert P. Barsanti The Fourth of July is easy to avoid.  Out on the water, or at the beach at Cisco, the Fourth of July is not all that different from the Fourth of August or even the Fourth of September.  The sun shines, the breeze blows and thunderheads […]

Island Cooking

Hayrides & Pie

by Chef Jenn Farmer The fourth of July holds a lot of nostalgia for me.  As a child it was one of the best days in the world.  It was a time to be social, see people, eat great food, and see big fireworks.  I vividly remember eating contests on […]

Water Fight
Nantucket Events

Festivities and Fireworks for the Fourth

by Sarah Teach Two hundred thirty-six years after our country declared her independence, we still throw an annual commemorative party; and the little island of Nantucket throws an exceptional bash!  All day long on July 4th, Nantucket is bursting with activities, many of which are suitable for families but still […]

Featured Articles

Nantucket Home Style

by Leslie Linsley “Crafts Are Hot!” is the headline in my current trade decorating magazine. The forecast for trends in interior design promote the idea of handmade accessories in well designed residential as well as commercial spaces. While we have always appreciated handmade things, right now craft items are more […]