Tag: Island cooking

Island Cooking

Local Oysters

• by Chef Jenn Farmer • Recently I went on an excursion to find some fish for a dinner party where I would be cooking.  It was going to be an interesting group, and I wanted it to be special.  Instantly I thought of oysters, since to me they convey […]

Island Cooking

Basic & Delicious

• by Jenn Farmer • Sometimes the simple things end up being more elegant than ever anticipated.  I was at a loss for dinner ideas one night recently, and people were already invited over.  I had a lot to work with, but sometimes inspiration is lacking.  At first I contemplated […]

Island Cooking

Eat Local, Think Exotic

• by Jenn Farmer • I am a big supporter of eating locally produced foods when possible, but I enjoy exotic dishes prepared with exotic ingredients.  I also understand that locally grown food has better flavor, texture, and potentially more vitamins, and I want to support our local farms and […]

Island Cooking

Flame Following a Spark

by Jenn Farmer “There is no sincerer love than the love of food,” George Bernard Shaw     Back in 2003 was the first time I remember having a conversation with Dante Benatti. At the time he was taking pictures of people late at night in a restaurant/nightclub I frequented. I […]

Island Cooking

Food for the Psyche

by Chef Jenn Farmer Autumn is my favorite time of year, that being said, I always get a little depressed early in September. I know it seems as if I am contradicting myself, but it is true. I have several theories why this happens every year, and they seem to […]

Island Cooking

Cool Like a Cucumber

by Chef Jenn Farmer Cucumbers don’t get enough recognition. They are one of the most versatile ingredients in food and drink, and nobody ever seems to speak of them. Did you know that they are a fruit? Everyone seems to know that tomatoes are a fruit. Why not the cucumber? […]

Island Cooking

Fish on the BBQ

by Chef Jenn Farmer Recently a dear friend showed up on a surprise visit. I had not seen him in more than six years and was overwhelmed and a little shocked to see him. He was one of my favorite people to hang out with when he lived on Nantucket. […]

Island Cooking

Behind the Bar

by Chef Jenn Farmer I stepped out of my element recently and did a little guest bartending at a friend’s pub (I am a chef by trade, so it is a bit different). Since it has been at least 5 years since I stepped behind a bar, and much longer […]