~ by Corinne Muffly, Educator ~ A series of articles dedicated to helping parents find places and activities on Nantucket to enjoy with their children. Nantucket used to be quite the hotspot for harvesting blueberries due to the naturally acidic sandy soil. As the island’s population grew this natural resource […]
Tag: blueberries
Missing Blueberries
• by Robert P. Barsanti • I missed the blueberries this season. On a day in the middle of the week, I walked to a spot in the middle of the island and found the branches bare. Rather, they only held small BB’s which could have been blueberries in a […]
I’ll be Your Huckleberry
by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station There is a wide range of fun and fulfilling things to do on Nantucket in the summertime, from surf-casting on the south shore, lounging with a good book at the beach, walking on the moors, or shopping downtown. […]