Tag: Bioblitz

Wrack line of eel grass
Island Science

The Wrack Line

The past several days have been stunningly beautiful, though the hot and muggy weather forcing us to seek relief at the shoreline—well, forcing might be too strong a word. How about: it gave us an excuse to head to the beach to swim and play in the water. Whether on vacation, trying to occupy the kids, or just i need of a little salt water solace, many of us have escaped to the beach these past few weeks.

Eastern Painted Turtle
Island Science

Join the Blitz

by Dr. Sarah Treanor Bois, PhDDirector of Research & Education at the Linda Loring Nature Foundation Last week I was walking the Linda Loring Nature Foundation trails with two of our summer research and conservation volunteers. While we were examining some of our research trees, I noticed something different. There […]

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Nantucket Island’s Bountiful Biodiversity

Nantucket is known for many things, and, for many, the island’s natural beauty rises is top of the list. This year, the Nantucket Land Council and the Linda Loring Nature Foundation again teamed up for the July BioBlitz—a month long treasure hunt cataloging all living things on Nantucket.

Nantucket BioBlitz
Island Science

Count Everything!

It’s once again BioBlitz time on Nantucket! July is the perfect time for a BioBlitz. It’s peak growing season, height of insects, the tail end of nesting season for many birds, decent weather for beachcombing, and there are lots of people on-island to help count them all!

Swamp rose mallow
Exploring Nantucket, Island Science

The Results Are In

The results of the 2021 Nantucket Land Council and Linda Loring Nature Foundation BioBlitz are in and we’re sharing some highlights and interesting observations from this highly successful exploration of nature on Nantucket!

For those who didn’t read the earlier article (yesterdaysisland.com/take-the- 2021-bioblitz-challenge/), a BioBliz is basically a mad dash in a specified area to catalog as many species as possible. The 2021 NLC/LLNF BioBlitz sought to document the biodiversity of Nantucket during the month of July—a perfect month for a BioBlitz.

Common Milkweed by Sarah T. Bois
Island Science

Take the 2021 BioBlitz Challenge

July is peak season for many things on Nantucket. It can be the most difficult time to get an ice cream cone or a parking space, as many of us know, but it’s also peak growing season – when the highest biodiversity is visible on island. Blooming flowers, ripening berries, budding fall asters, and fledgling birds abound. There is so much to see in every habitat across the island. What’s the best way to see and enjoy this multitude of species? Join in on the Nantucket Land Council and the Linda Loring Nature Foundation’s July Bioblitz Challenge!