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Gyp-Sea Café
Featured Restaurants

Fabulous Food with a Side of Harbor Views

Sitting by the beach on a hot summer’s day, enjoying fresh ocean breezes and beautiful views is one perfect way to savor Nantucket. And a short stroll from the heart of downtown you’ll find the seaside café where you can enjoy this quintessential island experience.
Gyp~Sea Café at Children’s Beach is operated by Abby Shaw and Stacey McEachern, the same successful duo who brought The Surf to Surfside Beach. New this season is covered seating on a beautiful garden patio surrounded by plantings and flowers. Now guests can be seated for breakfast or lunch at a table with harbor views just steps from the sand and be sheltered from the heat.

Exploring Nantucket, Nantucket Voices

Avoiding the Skunk

It was looking very much like one of those days. Three plus hours into our beach charter excursion and nary a hookup. Each of us had at least one fish blow up on our respective fishing lures, but somehow all of the attacking fish had dodged our hooks. The only thing biting were the mosquitoes and green head flies. Alas, our time was up and it looked like we had to take the long ride back from Great Point with a skunk tagging along. That is not my favorite thing, let me tell ya…

Burchell's Farm
Exploring Nantucket

Exploring Nantucket Land Bank Trails

When you live on the island for a while, whether year-round or summer, you have your favorite haunts. You only need to look at the line at the Juice Bar or see the full parking lot at Sanford Farm. Sure, those places are great, but there are other ice cream spots and other trails to explore. As a dog-owner, I take my girls, Tiller and Mako, for walks every day. I have my favorite regular spots: some are close to home for easy, quicker walks and some trails are further afield for a weekend or when there’s more time.

Maria Mitchell
Nantucket Events, Nantucket History & People

Happy Birthday, Maria

Join the Maria Mitchell Association as it hosts a celebration of Maria Mitchell’s 205th birthday this Tuesday afternoon, August 1 on Vestal Street. From 1 pm to 4 pm, this free event willl offer astronomy and natural science activities, live animal displays, research demonstrations, face painting, live music by Susan […]

Nantucket Essays

Draw of Community on the Isle

On the south shore of the island, downwind of the sewer beds, you can rent a house for $25,000 a week. For that money, you get two master bedrooms and two guest bedrooms. Each bedroom has an “en suite” bathroom and a television set. The master bedroom, of course, features a “state of the art” shower. The house is less than a mile downwind from the beach..

Exploring Nantucket

Guiding On-Island Mental Health Care

Nantucket is considered one of the most idyllic places to summer on the East Coast, but living here year-round has many challenges and can be isolating, especially in the deep winter. This, coupled with the struggle to retain mental health professionals on-island full-time, has resulted in difficulties matching locals to needed mental health resources.

Nantucket History & People

First Island Tourists Came for the Sheep

The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first use of the word tourist only as far back as 1800, but as the dictionary’s definition implies, the new word describes an old habit—travelling for pleasure was not new when the word first appeared in print. By the beginning of the 19th century, the elites of English and European society had been touring for two centuries, travelling to the great cities and watering places, and taking the “Grand Tour” of the Continent. Nantucket was an early tourism destination, but not for its sea breezes or cultural offerings: they came for the sheep, or rather, the sheep shearing festival.