The night sky above Nantucket is not like most places. Celestial bodies seem to shine differently here, thirty miles out to sea and surrounded by the dark waters of the Atlantic. We are far enough away from big city light pollution, and the air is clearer. On a clear night, this island boasts some of the best stargazing human eyes can behold.
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The Next Fire
The Veranda House burned and nobody noticed.
Oh, we saw the pictures. We saw the plumes of smoke extending over the town, riding up, washing through the windmill and then out over the south shore. And we saw the pictures on social media and TV. However, the fire was an isolated event, much like the fireworks, the Pops, and Christmas Stroll. We hosted a news event that got our name onto local and national news. Any advertising is good advertising: My AirBnB views went through the roof.
Drought Comes to Nantucket
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It’s Okay To Be Shellfish
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Summer Fun at the Shipwreck Museum
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Dress with Distinction
SERENELLA NANTUCKET has expanded their island presence for 2022 so they can bring together an even more impressive range of leading and emerging designers from around the world. Ready-towear continues to be the main focus, along with a vast assortment of fine jewelery, accessories, lifestyle, and an exciting new category: Uomo.