“It’s July 1846 on Nantucket, and it hasn’t rained for weeks. Every great fire begins with a tiny spark. All Nantucket needs now is for someone to light the fuse.”
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Losing Our Community
Many years ago, when the only cars my boys cared about were built out of Lego, we planted daffodil bulbs. The wind was blowing, the sky rushed overhead, and a shower hung out on the Sound, while Angel Rays shone over Cisco. We used a small trowel, knelt in the backyard, and planted the bulbs every couple feet along a stone wall. Afterwards, we had lemonade, chocolate chip cookies, and watched Monsters, Inc for the hundredth time.
Nantucket’s White Heron Theatre Appoints New Managing Director
White Heron Theatre Company of Nantucket has announced the appointment of Drew Kowalkowski as the nonprofit’s first permanent managing director. Kowalkowski will lead the 11-year-old nonprofit theater’s financial, marketing, fundraising, and administrative efforts. Kowalkowski comes to White Heron from New York City, where he has spent the last three years […]
Summer on Nantucket Exhibit to Open this May in the Whaling Museum
Containing more than 200 artifacts from the NHA’s collection, the exhibit tells the story of Nantucket as a summer destination.
Remembering Snow Days on Nantucket Island
In the winter, Nantucket once had a variety of quiet groups and habits that got people together.
Nantucket Book Festival Art Contest Winner Chosen
Nantucket Book Festival Art Contest winner is Marianne Kelley, whose art was chosen from 39 entries with a vote by the Nantucket Book Festival Committee. This art will be featured on 2023 Festival posters, program cover, website, and social media. Kelley lives on Nantucket year-round. She is a regular patron […]
Nantucket Shipwrecks and Spiders
Warren Sawyer Shipwreck on Nantucket
NCH Again Recognized as a Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital
Nantucket Cottage Hospital has been recognized as a 2023 Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital. This is the second consecutive year that NCH has been recognized. Compiled by The Chartis Center for Rural Health, this annual recognition program honors outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals based on the results […]
Nantucket Rock Solid Grant Applications Accepted until February 22
The 2023 Rock Solid Grant program, administered by the Nantucket Island Center for Entrepreneurship (NICE), part of the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce, is now accepting applications from Nantucket-based small business owners. The current or proposed business must be for-profit, with primary operations on Nantucket Island. If the application is […]