Nantucket Essays

Charity Water
Nantucket Essays

Cynics of Spring

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Spring has arrived with a truck. It stopped by at noon, got its invoice signed, and then dumped everything it had in the yard. So the grass has become overgrown, the shrubs crawl up the house, and the mulch is eye high. The world […]

Nantucket Essays

Share the Wine

• by Robert P. Barsanti • When they finally flashed I175 on the screen at the Department of Motor Vehicles, I wandered up to a pleasant fleshy woman who wore glasses on a chain of plastic pearls, a green vest, and a big orange button with two children and the […]

Nantucket Essays

Grass Amid the Ghosts

• by Robert P. Barsanti • In April, we fled south in search of spring. Up here in God’s Country, Massachusetts, the leaves and flowers only come out when the promise of one more blizzard has passed away. Some years, on Nantucket, the flowers feel confident sometime in late February. […]

Nantucket Spring
Nantucket Essays

Winter Melts into Spring

• by Robert P. Barsanti • We don’t accept the reality of spring too easily on this island. The calendar, the stars, and even the Red Sox suggest that winter has slipped away. However, the wind shifts to the east, the clouds wash back in, and February rolls over in […]

Nantucket Island in winter
Nantucket Essays

Winter Strips Bare Nantucket’s Fantasies

by Robert P. Barsanti This winter remains in the shadows and in the base of the bushes.  It squats, cold and frozen, in the darkness, until the rain and the sun finally drive the dirty ice underground.  The crocuses remain hidden under the frozen turf, as do the daffodils.  Sometime […]

Nantucket Island in winter
Nantucket Essays

Nantucket in Winter

• by Robert Barsanti • On winter Sundays, I like to sit on a bench on Main Street. The weather rarely drives me inside or keeps my front door locked. The ocean has her gifts; one of her minor ones blows over the island and sends you to the sweaters […]

Nantucket Essays

Autumn Entry

• by Robert P. Barsanti • The light remains in September.  The air clears, the fog settles, and sky glows throughout the afternoon into an operatic sunset.  To own a summer home on Nantucket is to also own the bankrupting irony of island living; the best weather comes after you […]