Nantucket Essays

Nantucket Essays

Better Angels

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ A friend of mine was pawing through the bike rack at Jetties Beach. Her son’s bike (a black and silver Trek) had been taken from the rack a few evenings previous and she was searching the racks in the hopes that it had been […]

Nantucket Essays

It’s a Small Island

~ by Robert P. Barsanti ~ The ocean has bestowed some special gifts on Fisherman’s Beach this summer. Sometime over the spring, the currents off shore shifted and built up a flat, gently sloping beach. So, in July, you can walk out thirty yards into the water and still be […]

Strawberry Shortcake
Nantucket Essays

In the Age of Strawberries

by Robert P. Barsanti We celebrated the beginning of summer with picking two quarts of strawberries. Two quarts of strawberries, bought at the market, have a certain capitalistic balance. Someone measured how many strawberries could go into the box so that you could feel like you were getting a good […]

Nantucket Essays

Golf in the Kingdom

-by Robert P. Barsanti- June comes with velocity. The momentum tips in March, with a few polite e-mail and a gentle phone call; “Could you find someone to paint the house?” Hidden under the calendar, the deadlines ride a dark current until the warmth of May dries out the island […]

Nantucket Essays

Watching Life Unfold

by Robert P. Barsanti When you live on Nantucket, you become so accustomed to its luxury that it becomes commonplace and invisible. The ocean breathes in the distance. The roses climb up onto the roof and then bloom. The sky glows an electric blue. You grow so familiar with the […]

Nantucket Essays

Summer Education

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Education ends and begins in the spring. The high school had its graduation in the auditorium; the parents and well-wishers watched as the students moved their tassels from one side to the other and then it was done for them. They went home to […]

Nantucket Essays

Washington Muse

• by Robert P. Barsanti • Deep in Nantucket High School, stared at by bored department heads or truculent students, are a series of deeply formal pictures of the graduating class of Nantucket High School. The young men wear jackets and ties, the young women have dresses, and they stare […]

Middle Moors | Nantucket
Nantucket Essays


• by Robert P. Barsanti • So, I was cold. May fools and frustrates the best of us. On a bright and cloudless Saturday afternoon, when the Red Sox were hitting home runs out of Fenway and the Figawi sailboats zipped before the wind on their way over from Hyannis, […]