Author: yi_302qo9y0

Nantucket Daffodil Festival
Island Cooking

A Moveable Feast for the Senses

• by Leah Mojer • I was quoted last year in the Inky with an answer to a question so cliché it hurts. When asked about the best part of daffodil weekend, as I hurried up Main street in far too little clothing for an April day, I grimaced in […]

Island Cooking

Awaken Your Palate

• by Carri Wroblewski – BRIX Wine Shop • After a winter that seemed like it would never end, I’m ready to shed my glasses of rich reds and uncork fresh, aromatic whites and rosés and lighter-bodied reds. I’m ready to awaken my palate. There is something special about those […]

Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Nantucket Events

Free Screenings at NCH Health Fair

Nantucket Cottage Hospital’s Health Fair, the annual event that includes free medical screenings, consultations and information sessions with the island’s health leaders, will take place this year from 8 to 11 am on Saturday, May 3 at the hospital, 57 Prospect Street. The Health Fair, sponsored by the Peter M. […]

Nantucket Spring
Nantucket Essays

Winter Melts into Spring

• by Robert P. Barsanti • We don’t accept the reality of spring too easily on this island. The calendar, the stars, and even the Red Sox suggest that winter has slipped away. However, the wind shifts to the east, the clouds wash back in, and February rolls over in […]

Nantucket Looms
Nantucket Events, Nantucket History & People

Nantucket Cottage Style

In the 1960s, Nantucket Island experienced a influx of artists and artisans who rejuvenated the art colony born on here fifty years earlier. Collectors Andrew Oates and Bill Euler were at the heart of this transformative period. In honor of these two men and their influence on Nantucket, the Nantucket […]

Nantucket Island in winter
Nantucket Essays

Winter Strips Bare Nantucket’s Fantasies

by Robert P. Barsanti This winter remains in the shadows and in the base of the bushes.  It squats, cold and frozen, in the darkness, until the rain and the sun finally drive the dirty ice underground.  The crocuses remain hidden under the frozen turf, as do the daffodils.  Sometime […]

Nantucket Events

“50 Shades of Madonna” on Nantucket Island

Once a year for 11 years, up to a dozen men on Nantucket Island have volunteered their time and their talents to display their “inner beauty,” their flamboyance, and their senses of humor participate in the annual Ms. Mantucket Pageant to raise money for island causes.  Now organized by the […]