Author: yi_302qo9y0

Nantucket Whaling Museum
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Nantucket Whaling Museum Reopens for 2022 on February 1

The Nantucket Historical Association (NHA) will reopen their Whaling Museum on Broad Street this Tuesday, February 1, with free admission for the year-round community and visitors. Daily in-person interpretive programming will return to the Whaling Museum this year after a hiatus during the pandemic.  Interpretive programming includes The Essex Gam, which retells the […]

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Ocean Effect

by Robert P. Barsanti Winter comes to Nantucket on a northerly gale.  The sky descends to a few feet overhead, the clouds somersault, and the wind flings sand.  If the wind is of a particular mind, the temperature nudges below freezing and the fellas in their shorts and “Let’s Go […]

Nantucket 2022 Book Clubs
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Nantucket Book Clubs for 2022 Winter Readers

Nantucket Book Clubs is a new project created by Nantucket Book Partners (Mitchell’s and Bookworks) to connect and collaborate with the Nantucket community. The books to be featured were chosen by island nonprofits, businesses, and community members according to their missions and interests. The 2022 Book Clubs focus on grief, leadership, climate change, connection, community, diversity, and much […]

Nantucket Whaling Museum
Featured Articles

Nantucket Whaling Museum Reopens on Friday, February 12

On Friday, February 12, the Nantucket Historical Association will reopen their Whaling Museum to the public. In partnership with the Nantucket Atheneum, a family-friendly scavenger hunt will launch on the reopening weekend in celebration of its important donation to the NHA collection. Families can search for many of the historic artifacts, […]