by Chef Jenn Farmer The Autumn harvest seems to be in full swing, and one of my favorite things to gather are grapes, in particular, wild grapes. They smell divine and, though very tart, have a depth of flavor that is incomparable. My mother recently asked me for some grape […]
Author: yi_302qo9y0
Fall Brings Isle Fair
September has arrived bearing the gift of stillness. The air is growing crisper, and most islanders seem to welcome the change in the weather. After all, along with the cool breezes comes the chance to reconnect with friends after a full season of busyness. The ideal venue for this is […]
by Robert P. Barsanti The last beach day came on Saturday. Hurricane Leslie was threatening Bermuda in tiny steps. Her winds had stirred the waves off of Cisco and the cold front that would keep her away was spinning off tornados in Brooklyn. Throughout most of New England, rain and […]
Food for the Psyche
by Chef Jenn Farmer Autumn is my favorite time of year, that being said, I always get a little depressed early in September. I know it seems as if I am contradicting myself, but it is true. I have several theories why this happens every year, and they seem to […]
Among the Whales
by Dr. Sarah D. Oktay Managing Director UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station I have friends visiting me from the Pacific Northwest and Texas this weekend and I have enjoyed taking them around the island to the many places that makes Nantucket so special. One of my favorites is the Nantucket […]
The Magic House
by Sarah Teach The Town of Nantucket calls it Three Derrymore Road; some friends call it The Magic House. But to its architect and builder, the saltbox inspired structure built from materials gathered largely from the Nantucket dump is home sweet home. Ole Lokensgard is a Kilimanjaro-climbing, poetry book writing […]
The Hospital Thrift Shop
by Sarah McNamara Located on a one-way street lined with historic homes, just outside of the hustle and bustle of town, you’ll discover an island institution. The Hospital Thrift Shop has been in operation since 1929, providing affordable gently used clothing, accessories, art, books, goods for the home and furniture […]
“When America First Met China”
by Amy Roberts There are very few windows into Nantucket’s little known nineteenth century engagement in the China Trade. As small pieces of a vague past, there are portraits of Nantucket captains and their families completed by Chinese artists, intricately painted porcelain platters, personalized creamware jugs, and earthenware figurines brought […]
Reeling in the Fun – Fishing Tournaments
This weekend will reel in some of the area’s most devoted anglers for a pair of two-day fishing tournaments. September 8 and 9 brings the 5th Annual Nantucket Bluefin Tuna Tournament, a competition focused solely on fun. The guests of honor, bluefin tuna, are some of the most sought after […]